She seems a little naive, but that has now played in my favor—a secret passage near the kitchen. I can find that and use that to escape and go back to my life. Or start a new one.

I give Yvonne a reassuring smile, then tilt my head. “Oh, is there a bathroom nearby?” I ask. “I need the ladies.”

Yvonne points to the door. “Sure, it’s to the right, four doors down.”

“Thanks, I’ll be right back.”

I glance around and walk out of the room. I see the stairs and head that way instead, walking down them quickly. I survey the area and see the kitchen. I hurry that way and look around, trying to press against the wall and moving objects. Then I notice a closet door nearby.

I open it and move the jackets out of the way to reveal the passageway behind it.


I close the closet door behind me and hurry down the dimly lit passage. It’s longer than I thought, and I’m getting anxious to reach the end when, out of the silence, a voice rings.

“Where are you going?”

It’s Igor.

I start running, but it isn’t easy in the gown, and he catches me quickly. He presses me against the wall and looks deep into my eyes.

Chapter 6 - Igor

I couldn’t be happier now that Arina is bound to me by marriage. I think I will change her name to Milov-Sidorov just to rub it in with Kervyn.

I walk over to Matvey, who hands me a glass of whiskey. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you, that was easier than I thought it would be,” I smile and sip my whiskey.

We both glance at Arina talking to Yvonne, and I nod. “I think they’re going to be good friends, which is great.”

“Yvonne will show her how our family works, and she can fall in line,” Matvey says.

Somehow, I doubt she’ll fall in line. She’s too spicy to do that.

“We need to discuss the resort. Something is happening there, and I need to investigate it further.” Matvey looks at me seriously.

“Do we need to discuss business at my wedding?” I ask, and from the look, I can tell he isn’t going to let up.

We move to a corner where Matvey talks quietly. “Someone is stealing from us at the resort.”

“Who do you suspect it is?” I ask. “Some of the staff?”

“I don’t know, but it’s someone high up. I need to go there and see what’s going on.” He sips his whiskey.

I glance around and see Yvonne standing by herself. “Where is she?”

Matvey looks over and shrugs. “Don’t know, didn’t see her leave.”

I turn and walk straight to Yvonne. “Where’s Arina?” I ask.

“She’s just gone to the loo. You can’t keep her tied up, you know.” Yvonne smiles brightly at me. “I’m so happy you’re finally married. You’re going to make an excellent husband.”

“Did you tell Arina that?” I ask curiously.

“We talked about sneaking off together and having fun, just the usual.” Yvonne bites into a cake, and I frown.

“Yvonne, did you tell her about any of the secret passages out of here?”