Allocer reaches up, swiping the tear on my cheek away.
“Amon is dying because he sent you away. His powers began to wane the moment you two were bonded by blood, and it intensified when he sent you home. We-I didn’t realize how quickly they would fade.”
Nausea roils in my stomach.
“If I am his mate why would he send me away? Why would he risk his own death?” The question is dry, and I finally meet Allocer’s gaze.
His white eyes search mine, and he leans back, pushing a hand through his hair.
“I wasn’t sure until I showed up the day he sent you away, but by Amon sealing your mate bond, it sets into motion a series of events.”
I frown, listening intently as he continues.
“It’s said that by the three of us-the three meaning the Grand Marquis-finding our mates, we would set into motion the downfall of the hierarchy.”
I frown, not understanding what he is trying to tell me.
Leaning forward again he reaches out to place a hand on my knee.
“Elora, humanity could have a second chance. A true second chance.”
Realization begins to dawn.
“You mean… we could leave our walls?”
Allocer nods, squeezing my knee before sitting back again.
“Yes, humanity would be free to repopulate the Earth.”
I swallow thickly.
“So, I have to convince Amon to somehow complete our mate bond, and then… what? What happens after that?” I pause, looking down at my hands again. “What if I don’t do it? What if I choose not to go?”
“Then Amon will die. Eventually he will cease to exist, and the prophecy goes unfulfilled. Humanity will forever be bound by their walls and their bargains.”
He leans back in the chair, regarding me.
“That is, until Lucifer gets bored and decides to decimate the remaining human population.”
I finally sigh, covering my face with my hands.
“Oh, Allocer…”
I sob into my hands, both from sorrow and relief.
Amon didn’t send me away for anything other than love.
He loves me.
The realization sends warmth blooming within me.
It wasn’t just a biological need. I could feel it in the way he touched me, kissed me, needed me.
If I chose to return and seal our mate bond, it starts another apocalypse.
If I stay, humanity never becomes more than it is.