I back up towards the wall, swallowing thickly as he advances on me, his movements slow and predatory.
“I-I’m not sure what you’re insinuating.” I manage to get the words out even as my eyes lock on him warily.
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, child.”
The cool wall meets my back, and I place my palms flat against it as he towers over me.
“What would your father say if he knew his perfect daughter fell in love with a demon?”
I narrow my eyes at him then. “I’m not perfect.” I bite out.
He chuckles, placing an arm above me to plant a large hand against the wall over my shoulder.
“And what does it matter anyways?” I snap. “Amon sent me away. He didn’t want me.”
I raise my chin at him even as grief lances through me.
Lucifer looks down at me, his eyes glimmering with mirth at my stubbornness and nerve.
“It’s such a shame too, because you would have made a worthy match.”
He reaches out, fingering a lock of my hair. Leaning in, he inhales deeply before cupping my chin between his thumb and forefinger.
I try to fight his hold as he brushes the pad of his thumb over my lips.
Something in the depths of his eyes shift before he lowers his mouth to my ear.
“Make sure it stays that way, princess.”
He growls the words against my ear, and it sends a shiver through me. I clench my fists at my sides, setting my jaw.
Lucifer chuckles again, moving away from me and back towards the cradle. My stomach flips in nervousness as he reaches in, brushing a thumb over Shemesh’s cheek.
Looking back at me once more, he opens the door, ducking through it before disappearing into the corridor.
I glance at the still sleeping babe before rushing towards the door to look out into the corridor.
He was gone.
The sun had long since set, and the castle had grown quiet. Over the past couple of months my brother had lightened the security, and I was able to roam pretty freely now.
I was thankful not to have eyes on me at all times.
Tonight, I found myself in the garden. The night air was crisp, and I pull my robe around me tightly. Glancing up at the moon, I close my eyes and sigh, soaking up its light.
Since Lucifer had shown, thoughts of Amon filled my mind.
I fought the urge to talk to my brother about what happened. It was a threat, I knew it was, but for life of me I couldn’t figure out why.
I had gone over it in my head.
It just didn’t make any sense.
Why was I such a threat? And what had Lucifer meant about keeping it this way?