“Someday I’ll tell you about the story of a girl who gave up her life for someone she loved, only to fall in love with her captor.” My heart squeezes as I say the words.

I wasn’t sure when I realized I loved Amon.

I couldn’t figure out if it was before I left or after I came back.

Would things have been different if I had told him the day he sent me away?

“It’s a beautiful story.”

A deep voice startles me, and I snap up from my chair, whipping around towards the door. A moan stands there, so large that I can’t see the door behind him.

No, not a man…

He’s incredibly beautiful, with blond hair that falls just past his shoulders in loose waves, and eyes the lightest shade of blue I’d ever seen.

His face reminded me of old picture books that depicted sculptures of Greek gods.

Sculpted muscles decorated his body, and he wore a white tunic with a leather breastplate embossed with intricate designs.

Leather greaves cover his shins, and the vambraces on his arms were a mixture of leather and cloth ties. The thing that really took my breath away were the two large, white feathered wings that spanned behind him. The room almost couldn’t hold him.

I didn’t know whether to be afraid or awed by his presence.

He regards me, folding his wings behind him, and the action fills the room with a rustling sound. Words fail me, and all I can do is stare.

“Has your mouth failed you, child?” He chuckles, walking towards the cradle where Shemesh sleeps.

Wariness fills me as he does, and I lean over to set the arrow I had been working on in the chair behind me.

“Who are you?”

“It’s not the kindest greeting, but the only one I can seem to muster. I watch as he moves closer to the babe, leaning over the cradle to peer at him.

His eyes soften, and he doesn’t respond, watching Shemesh sleep.

“I would think you would know me from all your research and knowledge, young princess.”

His words are softly spoken, but his eyes belie the tone of his voice as they creep over towards me.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, but for some reason the realization doesn’t hit me right away.

“I’m genuinely offended.” He feigns as he turns towards me.

“Lucifer, princess.” He bows gracefully in my direction, and my eyes widen.


“Elora.” I respond, dipping slightly in acknowledgement.

“I know who you are, child.” He says as he turns back towards the cradle. His face softens once more.

“The girl who gave up her life for someone she loved…” he trails off, reaching in to swipe a golden curl from Shemesh’s face. “Only to fall in love with her captor.”

When his eyes meet mine again, they’re cold. It sends a chill through me, and I try to hide the tremor that passes through me.

His gaze is penetrating, and I can sense the malevolence in it.

Lucifer regards me for a moment longer before he starts to walk towards me slowly. “As I said, it’s a beautiful story, and one I would hate to have to end badly.”