The glass door closes behind us with a finality that echoes through my very soul.



Ispend days in bed.

The day I came home I was picked up by a passing merchant who had recognized me right away and had delivered me to the castle safely.

Of course, the entire place had been in an uproar at my sudden return.

I was questioned endlessly by Olam and my father, among numerous other people. Then, of course, I had been scolded for my stupidity.

All of it fell on deaf ears.

I was beside myself with grief.

Most days after my return I roamed the castle like a zombie.

Courtiers shot me sorrowful glances, and whispers followed me through the corridors.

I didn’t care.

At one point I had even tried to sneak back out to the crossroads, but with the increased guard presence by the doors I was escorted back to my chamber where I cried the rest of the night.

It wasn’t anything new. All my nights were spent crying.

After Granuail lit my fire and brushed my hair, and I knew I was alone, tears fell silently. When my mind conjured images of Amon, tears fell silently.

And always, when I dreamt, amber eyes haunted me.

I could still feel him with me, and it hurt.

God did it hurt.

A lot of days I couldn’t even get out of bed and would spend the entirety buried under my covers.

If Granuial tried to force me up I would scream and cry at her to leave me. She would leave with wide worried eyes and pursed lips.

Life just wasn’t worth living to me anymore.

Today was one such day.

I had already crawled back into my bed after picking at my breakfast for over an hour.

I prayed the bed would swallow me up. That I could just cease to exist, and the pain would go away.

Of course that was too much to ask.

I was just beginning to doze off when my chamber door opened.

I glance up to see Olam standing just past the threshold wearing his riding gear.

I pull the blanket back over my head again.

“Ok, let’s go, up up up.” His gear clanks as he walks towards my bed, and the smell of leather permeates my senses.

The scent reminds me of Amon…