I cut him off, standing to pace the library. “That’s if you find a mate, Allocer. Look how long it took me to find mine?” He looks at me, his eyes full of pity.
I walk to stand in front of the fireplace, hanging my head in defeat.
“I will not put her through it.” The statement comes out with a finality that sends heaviness settling throughout my very being.
“Brother you know what will happen.” Allocer says softly.
I nod, hanging my head further. “I know. But if it means she will be safe, I will bare anything that comes after sending her home.”
The laws were clear. If one of us found our mate and the bond wasn’t sealed or our mate rejected us, our powers would wane.
Eventually I would weaken and finally die. My soul would never ascend.
I would never live or breath again.
My soul would die a real death.
And if she stays…
I dash it from my mind. It doesn’t matter. I had made my decision.
Allocer doesn’t speak, but I hear him walk up behind me. A heavy hand settles on my shoulder, squeezing gently. “I am sorry, brother.”
I pace the garden, apprehensive, looking up at the study for the thousandth time. I don’t see any movement, and nothing has happened, so I guess it can’t be that bad.
Still, my gut tells me something isn’t right.
Not an hour ago I was in the arms of my demon, ready to give myself wholly to him. My body sang for Amon.
All the feelings, everything I had been fighting within myself…
He felt them too.
He needed me, as much as I needed him.
We were so close, if only we’d been allowed a few more moments.
A sinking sensation overwhelms me, and I place a hand to my abdomen, letting out a shaky breath.
I hear the clank of the glass door and look up to see Amon standing on the veranda. He regards me quietly before descending the stairs to walk towards me. He hangs his head as he approaches me, and my stomach drops.
I smile up at him, but he doesn’t return it. His eyes are shadowed, and his mouth is turned down at the corners.
The dread within me blooms outwards, and this time it stays.
“Amon, what is it?” I ask, wringing my hands nervously in front of me.
He stops just out of arms reach, his posture stiff and reserved. Silence impregnates the space between us, and I open my mouth to speak.
“I’m sending you home.” He says flatly, cutting me off.
My heart skips a beat before quickening. Surely, I didn’t hear him right.
“You-you’re… what?” I stammer, frowning at him.
His jaw ticks, and I reach for him.