I bellow as I round the corner, the walls seemingly trembling with the force of my voice. Looking into the darkness of the library, I growl. She’s not here either.

The garden.

I turn and jog towards the garden, my heart hammering in my chest, and my skin tingling with anger and frustration.

I fling open the doors to the garden, and see Elora standing there, her bow drawn, arrow nocked. She jumps and turns to me, her eyes wide as she releases the string of the bow.

The arrow wizzes towards me, sinking itself into my pectoral muscle. I don’t stop.

I don’t even register the pain as I reach down and snap the shaft off.

“Why did you move your things out?” I ask, stalking towards her. She takes a couple of steps backwards, her eyes wide and full of fear.

“Amon you’re hurt-.” I cut her off, bellowing at her.

“Tell me why!”

She frowns before standing up taller, raising her chin at me as I walk to stand feet from her.

“Because.” She says, her response clipped.

“Because isn’t an answer, female.” I volley. “WHY did you remove your things from my room?”

I gesture behind me towards the castle.

“Because YOU don’t want me there!” She bellows back.

I pause, shocked.

Her eyes bore into mine a moment before continuing.

“Why would I stay? You’re never there. You can’t even stand to be around me!” Her cheeks heat with anger, and I flinch at her words.

Wait, she thinks I don’t want to be around her?

I’m so confused.

“What in the seven hells are you talking about?” I ask with a sneer.

“You think I haven’t noticed?” She hollers, stomping her foot. “You can’t bear to touch me, you never come to me at night. I hardly see you during the day…”

I stare at her, slack jawed.

“I was giving you your space! I had you move into my room because it’s warded against lesser! I was TRYING to keep you SAFE!”

I bellow again, and it echoes through the empty courtyard.

Elora doesn’t flinch this time, and instead crosses her arms over her chest.

“Well, YOU didn’t tell me that! How was I to know? I thought you couldn’t even stand to look at me!”

I stand there, mouth agape, anger roiling through me.

She thought I didn’t want to look at her…

What in the world would make her think that?