I frown, a slight sinking sensation settling in my gut.
“Amon, talk to me.” I whisper.
His eyes open, and he looks down at me, his eyes full of something I can’t quite place.
“Let’s go home.” he says, taking my hand in his.
Life seemingly returns to normal one we return to Amon’s realm. He never mentions anything about the incident with Balial, and I don’t pry.
Amon refuses to let me return to my room, though, and instead moves my things into his, including Nyx. A small smile spreads across my lips at the thought of sharing a bed with him.
It sends a shiver across my skin.
The feeling is short lived, however, when Amon doesn’t come to bed that night, or the night after, or the night after that.
He only shows briefly to check on me and to join me for meals here and there. Conversation is limited, and the shadows in his eyes run deep.
I get frustrated when I ask him what’s on his mind, and he simply assures me everything is fine.
When he flashes me one of his smiles, it never reaches his eyes.
Our embraces become shorter, and Amon reverts to placing soft kisses against the back of my hand rather than my lips.
A sense of rejection starts to brew within me, and it sours my mood and makes me standoffish, which seems to push him away further.
Today, I had skipped breakfast with Amon, choosing instead to move my things back into my room. I’d had Amara help me, who just looked at me with a questioning gaze.
I didn’t care to talk about it.
Nyx is the last thing I move, and her little chirrups of protest squeeze at my heart. If he disliked being around me that much, maybe it was better this way.
It definitely brought me some comfort knowing I wouldn’t be pining over his company every night.
I flop down onto my bed with a sigh, and I’m flooded with thoughts of the previous days. I wondered if his actions were the result of what happened.
He knew I didn’t intend to put myself in danger. I’m sure he knew it wasn’t his fault.
Or… what if he thought it was?
I shake my head, dashing the thought away.
There’s no way I would ever put that on him. But what if, instead, he was feeling like he couldn’t protect me here?
I could convince him that I was capable of taking care of myself.
I trusted Balial too much. I trusted her because Amon trusted her.
Determination overcomes me, and I stand back up, grabbing my bow and flinging my quiver over my shoulder. I grab the leather greaves that Amon gifted me and open my door, stalking down the corridor towards the garden.
I would show him I’m not weak. I can be just as strong as the next person… demon.
He’ll see. I’ll make him.