Amon looks at me before crashing his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him to me as he runs long, languid circles over my clit.

I was no stranger to pleasure brought on by my own hand, but this was something else entirely. Every stroke of his finger awakened something within me, and I rode the waves higher, releasing soft, panting breaths against his lips.

“Come for me, my dove.”

Amon’s growled command is all it takes, and I’m tumbling over the edge. He crashes his lips against mine, absorbing my cries as I come undone in his arms.

My eyes meet his, and the dark veining around his eye sockets only enhances my pleasure. I buck against him, running my hands over his shoulders to scrape across his back.

I come down slowly, trembling against him.

I’m so ready for him.

Amon pulls away, lifting my gown back into place, planting soft kisses along my collarbone.

I feel bereft when he removes himself from my embrace, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Was that it?

“Amon…” I start reaching out to run my fingers over his back. I move to sit up against the headboard, and when Amon stands to look at me, I gasp.

He is hard and erect against his pants. What I expected I wasn’t sure, but a club literally wasn’t it.

My cheeks heat, and I raise my eyes to meet his. He watches my reaction, his eyes still black as night. The dark veining is gone.

“What about-.” I start, but he shakes his head, cutting me off.

“Don’t worry about me, my dove.”

Guilt lances through me.

I watch as he disappears through a small door, and there’s a brief moment of silence before the sound of running water fills the room.

Running water!

I jump up from the bed, walking into the attached bathroom to see a brass tub fitted with copper piping.

Amon is bent over the side, his hand beneath the tap, testing the temperature.

“You’ll want a bath, I’m sure.” His eyes rove over my body, frowning at my ripped nightgown.

“I’m sure Allocer will have something you can wear.” He steps away from the tub.

“I have plenty to wear at home.” I say and pause. Amon does too, standing upright at my declaration. Neither of us speak for a moment, but Amon finally moves towards the door.

“We aren’t going home right now. Not until I can get to the bottom of this.” He reaches out, brushing a clawed finger over my cheek.

“You’re safer here.”

I nod, leaning into his touch.

He leans in, pressing his lips against mine.

I breathe him in, reaching up to wrap an arm around his neck.

He releases me, planting a kiss against the tip of my nose.

“Come find me when you’re done.”