Elora’s words come out as a whisper, and I stand, gathering her into my arms. “Hold onto me.” I say. She wraps her arms around my neck, and then we are being pulled through space and time.

She gasps, tightening her grip around my neck as space tilts around us.

A second later we are back in my brother’s library. I move to set her down, steadying her as she wobbles slightly.

She grasps my arm tightly, and I hold onto her until I’m sure she’s ok.

Elora nods when she’s sure she’s steady on her feet, and I let her go warily.

“Are you ok?” I ask her, my eyes roving over her, looking for any signs of harm. She nods, sniffling as she looks up at me.

“I think so.”

Other than a few gashes in the skirts of her nightgown, she seems to be fine, if not a little shaky from what I’m sure is an adrenaline dump.

She looks around her, taking in her surroundings.

Frowning, her eyes land on Allocer, and they widen in recognition.

Allocer bows deeply, his eyes concerned. “Elora, I’m so glad you’re here and safe.”

Elora blushes deeply as Allocer regards her with his unsettling eyes, and I have to hold back a growl.

She looks down at her disheveled state, looking over at me pleadingly. Allocer notices and takes the cue.

“I’m sure you will both be wanting to rest.” He says. “You are both more than welcome to stay here tonight.”

I walk to stand next to my mate, wrapping an arm around her protectively.

“Thank you, brother.” I say as I guide her from the library.

I grasp Elora to me tightly, looking down at her, concern etched in my features. She says nothing, her eyes cast downward.

“Thank you.” She finally says softly.

I stop, turning her to face me. Her eyes are swollen from crying, and her hair is a disheveled mess, but she’s never looked more beautiful to me.

She lowers her head further, and I chuck a finger under chin. “Don’t hide.” I say softly.

When Elora looks back up at me, her lavender eyes full of unshed tears, I lean down, brushing my lips across hers softly.

“I will always protect you.” I whisper against her mouth.

A sob wracks her body, and she wraps her arms around my neck.

I reach down, gathering her small frame into my arms. She lays her head against me, sniffling. My strides are long and purposeful as I make my way to the guest chamber.

It’s not but a few moments before her breathing evens out and she grows lax in my arms.

I pause at the door of our chamber, looking down at her.

My heart swells, and the sensation sends an ache through me.

I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would burn heaven and hell for her.

I wave my hand in front of the door, and it creaks open slowly. I move to the bed, laying Elora on it gently.