Allocer steps away from the bookshelf, a look of interest replacing his smirk. I turn away, growling and shoving a hand through my hair.

“No, no, brother. Come now, don’t hold out on me now.” He walks to a small table, pulling a chair and gesturing for me to sit. “Do tell.”

I plop into the offered chair heavily, immediately placing my head in my hands. “I don’t have time for this, brother, she could be in danger at this very moment.” Allocer steps up next to me, sticking his hands in his pockets.

“I will help you. But first you must tell me who she is.”

I look up at him, my eyes trying to convey what I can’t bring myself to say.

“The…female?” He asks, reading my expression and frowning. “Well why should that matter consider it a blessing.” He waves me away, walking to stand near the fireplace.

“She’s my mate.” I growl out.

Allocer pauses, removing his hands from his pockets as he turns to gape at me. He reaches up to pull his glasses from his face, walking to me again.

“You mean to tell me… that human-.” I glare at him, warning him to tread carefully. “Elora…” He corrects himself, “Is your mate?”

I nod, my jaw ticking with impatience.

“I-Is she demon blood?” he asks, sinking into a chair opposite mine.

I shake my head, leaning forward to place my elbows on my knees. “She’s human. I’m sure of it.”

A few long moments of silence pass between us before Allocer clears his throat. “Are you sure?” he asks softly.

I nod, regarding him quietly.

“I’m sure.”

Allocer sighs, sitting back against the high back of the chair. He runs a hand through his curls, shaking his head in disbelief.

“She trapped me into a blood bond, but the bond has only strengthened. If I don’t seal it soon…” I trail off. I don’t need to finish the sentence. I know my brother already knows how this will end if I fail to complete the mate bond.

Allocer scrubs a hand over his face, sighing. “I can’t believe it.”

I nod my agreement.

“Help me.” I plead, my voice a deep whisper.

Allocer jumps up, walking to me. “Of course.” He hovers a palm over my forehead. “Think of her. Clear your mind of all else. Your bond will lead me to her.”

I lean back, placing my hands on my thighs and closing my eyes as I attempt to clear my mind of everything but Elora.

Visions of her dance in my mind’s eye and pain lances through my chest at the thought that she could be in danger and afraid at this very moment.

“Focus, Amon.” Allocer warns.

I shake the unpleasant thoughts from my mind and focus instead on her eyes. The lavender depths and the way they catch the candlelight. The way her nose crinkles when she looks at me. Her hair, its softness and the way I like to tuck loose strands away simply to have an excuse to touch her…

“Good, good. Keep it coming.”

I let myself be consumed by her, and visions of her flit in my mind, one after another.

The air starts to buzz, shifting slightly. Dizziness assaults my senses, and I frown.

“Almost!” Allocer hisses.

I grit my teeth, keeping my focus on Elora, and suddenly, I’m yanked backwards through space and time.