“Please let me out.” I say softly.

I watch him with wide eyes as he regards me quietly.

“Let pretty out...only if good.”

I nod quickly. “Yes, yes-I promise. I will be good.” I watch as the demon pauses a moment longer before moving towards the wall. He grabs the handle of a large lever, pulling on it with a grunt.

The chain jangles above me as the cage moves downward.

It jerks to a stop, and I squeak in trepidation as it sways. I seek purchase on the solid ground of the cage as my stomach threatens to empty itself.

The demon pulls a second lever, and the cage moves in a horizontal direction towards solid ground.

When the cage contacts the stone ground with a clanking thud, I let out a whoosh of air.

The demon fumbles with the lock before the top is pulled open, the metal squeaking in protest. I kneel there, looking up at the large creature, my eyes wide.

What I had seen of him in the dim lighting didn’t do him justice. He was huge. Something about the way he looked reminded me of werewolves I had seen pictured in the many books I’d read on cryptids.

His eyes were a bright green, and the tawny fur that covered him was streaked with grey.

He reaches into the cage with a large, clawed hand, wrapping it around my upper arm. He hoists me up, wrapping his other arm around my waist to gather me into his arms.

I try my hardest not to struggle, even as the creature breathes hot, rank breath into my face.

“Pretty…hungry?” The demon asks, turning to walk into the corridor leading from the room. I shake my head, reaching out to seek purchase against the demon’s fur.

It lets out a low growl, its grip tightening on me.

“No…pretty not hungry.” I say, looking over its shoulder. Thankful to be out of the cage, I let out a soft, shaky breath.

The demon walks me into another room, only slightly larger than the last.

Melted candles stacked on one another burn dimly, and I look around us. The accommodation seems meager, with a pile of furs in one corner and a small wooden shelf in another. A small wooden stove sits in another corner, and a broken wooden door sits open.

I can’t tell what’s on the other side, because it’s too dark.

The demon kneels by the furs, placing me on top of them gently.

“Pretty stay.” He says sharply. I watch him as he moves to the door. He pauses, turning to look at me.

I watch after him curiously.

Once the creature lumbers out of the room, I stand, my eyes on the door. Glancing around me nervously, I look for anything that I can use to defend myself if need be.

There’s nothing that I can readily see, so if this thing tried to harm me, I’m at its mercy.

I sit back down on the furs, pulling my legs up against my chest. I cover my face with my hands, trying not to cry. I swallow down the lump rising in my throat.

“Oh Amon, help.”

The plea comes out as a whisper, and my heart aches as his face enters my mind. I wondered if he even knew I was missing yet.

Creaking startles me, and I gasp, my head popping up to see the demon pulling the door closed as it enters the room again.

He watches me, his green eyes roving over me.

I shrink against the wall of the small space, pulling my knees up to my chest again.