“Yes, but he has prepared a place for you.”
My stomach flips in anticipation, and I pause.
Gathering my nerves, I smile, following Balail willingly down the corridor.
I reach down, pulling a fistful of my night gown into my hand to quicken my steps, attempting to keep up with her longer strides.
We round a corner into another corridor, and Balail ducks into a smaller room. It’s dark, save for a single candle lit in the middle of a small table in the corner of the room.
It’s simply decorated, and not near as ornate as mine or even Amon’s chamber. I frown, walking further into the room.
Balial stands in the doorway, and when I turn to face her, the smirk on her face makes my stomach drop. I rush towards the door, but Balail pulls it closed before I can reach it.
Fear blooms in my stomach, and I reach for the latch. It’s locked, and I pull on it. “Balail?” I try the latch again, banging on the door with a fist when it doesn’t budge.
“Balail! Jokes up!”
I listen intently, placing my ear against the door. I don’t hear anything on the other side.
I back up and frantically try to pull on the door. “Balail!” The pitch in my voice rises as fear starts to take over.
I fly around intending to look for something-anything I can use to jimmy the lock on the door.
I gasp as I turn to face the most fearsome creature I’ve ever seen.
I look up into the green eyes of a very large demon. His face and nose resemble that of a dog, but the horns protruding from it remind me of an elk or a deer.
He bears his teeth at me, and I lift a hand to my nose. His breath is rank, and drool drips from the corner of his mouth.
The demon towers over me by a good two feet, and a deep growl emanates from deep within his chest.
I raise my hands slowly, backing up against the door.
The creature reaches out, raking a claw down my cheek gently.
“Pretty.” It growls, more drool dripping from its maw.
Nausea boils up in my throat, and I scream.
The creature reaches out, striking me across the face, and the room goes dark.
I startle awake, sitting straight up in bed. My body is covered in a thin sheen of sweat, my heart hammering in my chest.
I listen for something, anything that may be amiss.
Everything seems normal, but I pull myself from my bed, walking to pull the tapestry that leads to Elora’s room.
I fling open the door, stalking down the narrow passageway, flinging spiderwebs out of my way.
As I near her door, I pause, running a hand through my hair, sighing heavily.
I stop, listening intently.
I don’t hear anything.
She’s probably sleeping.