I needed to have patience.
Once I’m in my chamber, I place Nyx back in her cage. She makes her way to her bed, turning in little circles before plopping down with a little huff.
I shake my head at her.
“You are unbelievable.” I say, closing the door. I walk to my bed, flopping onto the furs with a sigh.
My lips still tingled from our kiss, and I run the tips of my fingers over them.
Amon tasted of wine, and something uniquely him.
I craved more.
I was half tempted to waltz right down to his chambers and demand….
That he ravish me?
Did I even know what I was asking?
The throbbing sensation between my legs tells me that yes, I did indeed know what I was asking.
I cover my face with my hands, squeezing my thighs together.
I wanted him, and he obviously wanted me, so what was stopping us?
I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, closing my eyes as visions of him dance in my mind.
I didn’t even realize I had fallen asleep until I’m shaken awake harshly.
“Princess.” The voice is a hushed whisper.
I sit up, rubbing my hands over my eyes as I attempt to clear the sleepy fog from my mind. I squint, seeing Balail standing next to the bed, her expression unreadable.
“Is everything ok?” I ask, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.
Balail nods. “Yes, everything is fine, Amon has asked for you, but you need to come now.” I’m officially awake, my stomach filling with nervous butterflies.
“He wants me to-to come now?”
Balail nods again, looking slightly frustrated.
“Yes! But we must go now. He’s not very patient.”
She ushers me out of bed quickly, wrapping my robe around me. She glances behind her at a tapestry on the wall, and I frown.
I follow her from my chamber, or rather, she all but pulls me out.
She reaches out to grab my wrist, pulling me down the corridor in the opposite direction from Amon’s chamber.
“Isn’t Amon’s chamber this way?” I dig my heels in, gesturing behind me.
Balail sighs, spinning on me.