Slowly, I lift my skirts, letting out a shaky breath as I walk back to my chamber.
The fire crackles in the hearth, and I adjust in my chair, flipping the page of the book I was attempting to read.
Failing to read is more like it.
I couldn’t get Amon out of my mind. He had looked so disappointed in himself when he walked out of the ballroom, and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why.
I had wanted him to kiss me. I’d been wanting it before this night.
A soft chirruping interrupts my thoughts, and I look over to where Nyx is sitting, looking out at me through the bars of her little cage.
“What?” I ask softly, standing and walking over to her. She spits out a little spark, and I giggle as I open the door. I hold my hand out, and she crawls into it, scurrying up my arm to sit on my shoulder.
Her little wings flutter gently and as I close the door to her cage, she glides to my chamber door.
“Nyx!” I call out, turning and watching, my jaw slack.
“I had no idea you could fly.” I say accusingly, walking to her. She looks up at the door, and I place my hands on my hips.
“It’s dark. You know we can’t go outside at night.”
The little drakeling looks up at me with her large black eyes. She lets out a little chirrup, and I tsk.
“You’re going to get me in trouble.” I mumble as I open my chamber door.
As soon it’s open, Nyx takes off, gliding down the corridor.
I gasp, looking after her.
“Nyx!” I hiss, reaching over to grab a sconce off the wall before chasing after her.
I’m barely able to keep an eye on her little form, but I quickly realize she’s not heading the right way.
“Nyx!” I hiss again, pulling my night dress into a hand. I jog walk to catch up to her, cursing under my breath as she turns a corner to scurry down another corridor.
I look around me, ensuring we aren’t seen as I follow behind her.
Hardly any of the candles are lit here, and the only light I have is that of my sconce.
I squint into the darkness, barely able to make out the drakeling’s little form. I finally catch up to her only to find her sitting on her haunches in front of a large wooden door.
I don’t know what the door leads to, and I’m not sure I want to find out.
“You’re an absolute pain.” I whisper as I kneel down to pick her up. Just as I wrap my hands around her, the door opens suddenly, and I gasp, looking up to see Amon standing in the dimly lit doorway.
He looks over me before looking down to see me kneeling there, Nyx in my hands.
The little drakeling wriggles free, scurrying around Amon’s legs into the room behind him.
I stand slowly, sconce in hand, embarrassment heating my cheeks. He looks down at my night dress, and his pupils dilate.
The sight has heat pooling in my lower belly.
“Elora…” He whispers, his grip tightening on the door.