“Absolutely not.” I growl, turning back to the armoire.

Balail doesn’t respond and watches me quietly. I panic internally. She may be a lesser, but she reports directly back to my master.

After a few moments I turn to look over my shoulder at her. “She’s not my mate. I’m preoccupied and have no patience for this right now. I told you to leave”

Hoping she would take that as her cue, I continue to pull out my gear.

I strap my sword to my belt before I begin on my vambraces. Balail regards me quietly before the air shifts and she’s gone.

I let out a whoosh of air, leaning out to place a hand on the armoire. If others realized it too, that wasn’t good.

I had a feeling…

There was no certainty. Not yet at least.

I needed to tread carefully until I knew for sure.



Weeks passed and I hadn’t seen Amon at all.

Amara would pass through every day, and we kept to our normal routine. Breakfast in the morning, followed by time in the garden to get Nyx outside.

Afterwards I’d practice with my bow, and found I was getting better rather quickly. I was getting closer and closer to the bullseye every day.

I explored the castle as much as I could but didn’t dare go near the gilded door again. Partly from fear, mostly because I was afraid Amon would follow through on his threat.

I quickly noticed I was able to do things I hadn’t been able to previously. I felt stronger, and I didn’t feel as though I needed to be as careful.

I wasn’t sure how much of that was due to practicing with the bow, and how much of it was the blood bond between Amon and me.

I had a strong feeling it was the latter, but it didn’t care to test the theory.

I did, however, realize that I missed Amon... terribly. If I let my mind dwell on it too much it would trigger an ache deep in my chest.

I tried to dash the thought away.

Instead of focusing on it, I focused on the things that brough me joy.

Today was one such day, and I found myself in the library. Since Amara and I had cleaned it up the space felt different. The furniture that had been eaten up was removed, so the furniture that was left was incredibly sparse.

I meander along the bookshelves, stopping every now and then to pull a title from its space. I would flip through it briefly before putting it back.

With a sigh, I settle on a book about botany and seat myself into a large chair by the fire.

It’s impossible to keep my mind on the text, and instead am bombarded by thoughts of Amon, and I lose myself in the flames dancing in the hearth.

I don’t know how long I stay like that, but distant footsteps have me closing the book and listening intently.

Anytime someone walked through the castle I waited, hoping it was Amon.

The footsteps draw nearer, and I sit up, looking over the back of the chair towards the entrance of the library.

Amon rounds the corner about five seconds later, and my stomach flips from excitement.

He looks around before he spots me, and a dazzling grin lights up his face.