
My mind was infiltrated with thoughts of this human female that now invaded my space. I had caught her wandering earlier and had followed her for a little while, casting an easy glamour so that she couldn’t see nor sense me.

I was intrigued by her, and watching her peek behind doors and through archways was only slightly entertaining. A few times I risked getting close enough that I could inhale deep lungfuls of her scent.

When she had discovered the library, I was about to turn away and leave her to devices when she had screamed.

Every fiber in my body had moved to protect her before my mind had even registered she’d screamed. It was disconcerting.

Standing, I pace my study before walking to the window overlooking the garden.

I tilt my head when I see Elora below me, her skirt in hand, feet bare as she tiptoes into the grass from the stone walkway.

Her head falls back, her brow etching in a slight frown, and it sends a hot wave of desire through me.

I wonder if that’s what her face looks like while in the midst of-

Growling, I shake the thought from my head.

I pace, the frustration sizzling beneath my skin. I’ve never felt this out of control. It was as though I needed to be near her.

This wasn’t boding well.


The grass feels so amazing, and I end up finding a nice spot to lay down. I hadn’t realized I had fallen asleep and had awoken from the lack of sound.

The silence was deafening, and I missed the ambient sound of birds chirping, of insects and the breeze as it flowed through the trees.

Sighing, I turn to my side, reaching out and plucking a low hanging rose from the bush next to me. I hiss as the prick of a thorn stings my thumb and watch as a bright red bead of blood wells.

I stick my thumb between my lips, sucking the blood from my skin.

A chirruping sound startles me, and I sit up, looking around. I hear it again, and spin around to look behind me.

A soft gasp escapes me as I see a tiny, scaled creature walk out from beneath the brush warily.

It reminded me of a dragon, only it was a fraction of the size and had eyes way too big for such a tiny creature.

I watch as it sniffs at the air, approaching me warily. As it comes closer, I can see that the coloring on its scales gave it a blue hue.

“Well, hello there.” I say, slowly reaching my hand out to it.

It pauses, pulling back slightly, looking from me to my hand.

Just it starts to lean in to smell me, a deep voice rumbles from behind me.

“It’s attracted to the smell of your blood.”

I startle, and the small creature scurries away, back under the bush it came from. I drop the rose, spinning around to see Amon there.

Placing a hand to my chest I let out a heavy sigh.

“You’ve really got to stop sneaking up on me like that.” I say, looking up at him.

He chuckles, averting his gaze and sticking his hands in the pockets of his pants.

I watch as he meanders next to me before lowering himself to his haunches.