“I hope it’s ok that I’m here.” I respond, lacing my fingers in front of me. Amon shrugs, running his finger over a mahogany table against the wall.
“I don’t mind. I have no use for it, and it’s fallen into disrepair over the years.” He turns to look at me again, and I turn away, walking towards the staircase.
“I think it’s beautiful.” I gush, placing my hand on the ornate banister.
I look above me at the glass ceiling, and the bleary grey sky. The clicking of Amon’s clawed feet echo as he walks to stand behind me.
“I will have to ensure you have whatever you want to read.”
I turn to look at him, and flash him a smile. His eyes darken, and it startles me.
He squeezes his eyes shut before opening them again to look at the ground.
“I will have someone come clean, and make the space usable for you, if that’s something you would like.”
I nod, smiling again. His eyes meet mine once more and my stomach flips.
“I would love that.” I whisper.
“Then it’s settled.”
He turns and stalks from the room, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides.
I watch as he leaves and turn back to take in the space once more. He was so willing to make this space usable for me, and I was grateful to have something to look forward to.
Walking to retrieve my sconce from the wall, I take one last backwards glance as I leave the library.
Lunch had been left for me when I arrived back at my room, and I seat myself to eat in silence. Wishing I had taken a book or two from the library, I turn my attention to look out the window.
The garden below was also severely underkept, but the green bushes and colorful flowers brought an ease to my soul.
I wasn’t really sure how I was going to fill my time, and boredom was my biggest enemy.
From experience, boredom got me into trouble.
I pop another piece of apple into my mouth, chewing thoughtfully.
What could one do as a prisoner in a demon’s castle?
I smile, leaning back in my chair to fiddle with the food on my plate.
I wasn’t sure what Amon did most days, but something told me he wasn’t really the social type. I wonder what he would do if I showed up to pester him.
Nostalgia assaults me as I remember the days when I use to pester my brother. He would be busy tending to the horses or attending his studies and I would accompany him simply to get on his nerves.
I giggle to myself but shake the memory as its immediately accompanied by a wave of sadness.
No way could I let myself get upset about my decision now.
What was done was done. It couldn’t be changed.
Sighing, I set about finishing my lunch so I can go explore more.
I really needed to go see the garden.