Time felt different here.
It was hard to track.
I had woken this morning not really knowing whether it was day or night, the only indication the bleary grey color outside my window.
Sighing, I round another corner, stopping short. It was a dead end.
I turn, holding the sconce out in front of me towards the corridor heading in the other direction.
This one curves to the left, and I hold the scone out in front of me as the light becomes dimmer with each passing step.
The corridor gives way to a large archway that opens into a massive library.
I gasp, entering the room, my jaw slack.
The entire room was dimly lit by the dreary grey sky visible through a large glass dome roof. A large ornate staircase was the centerpiece of the room, the bottom of the landing curling outwards.
I almost drop the sconce in my hand as I turn in a slow circle, taking in the massive space.
The first and second floor boast floor to ceiling curved bookshelves, and every single bookshelf was filled to the brim.
I walk further into the room, my footsteps echoing through the space. The furniture had long since decayed, and sheets covered most of the tables and chairs. Walking towards a shelf, I run a finger along the dark wood.
The place was incredibly dusty, and severely underkept.
The candelabras scattered around the room were covered in wax from candles that had long since melted away.
I light the few sconces scattered along the walls, grimacing once the room is lit up. The dust is thick, and some of the stones along the floor were broken or missing. The fireplace was dark, and the entire space was cold.
I saw the gothic beauty of the space right away, and knew that with a little love and care, this room could be just as glorious as it once was.
I yank a sheet off one of the chairs, coughing as a cloud of dust envelops me.
The large chair underneath is faded and falling apart, the stuffing coming out in some places.
A small squeak startles me, and I look down, screaming as a small dark shadow scurries under my feet.
Jumping, I trip, gasping as the world starts to tilt.
Strong arms wrap around me from behind, and I look up to see amber eyes frowning down at me.
My cheeks redden in embarrassment as Amon sets me on my feet. I clear my throat, averting my gaze as I smooth my skirts with shaky hands.
“Are you ok?” Amon asks, a hand still wrapped around my upper arm.
“I’m ok,” I manage, all too aware of the heat of his flesh bleeding through the sleeve of my gown. “I think there was a mouse.”
Amon looks around him, his eyes searching the floor.
“It’s gone now.” His voice is low and rumbly, and it sends a shiver up my spine.
I clear my throat, pulling away from his grasp. “Thank you.” I say, pushing my hair away from my face.
Amon grunts a response, his eyes still searching the floor. When they meet mine again, the world stops, if only for a second.
He seems to feel it too, because he adjusts a moment later, clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair.
“You found the library.” He says, turning to walk away from me. I watch him, worrying at my bottom lip with my teeth.