Fingering my wild waves, I attempt to tame my mane, pulling my long hair into a loose braid over my shoulder. My stomach grumbles, and I hold a hand to it.
I walk to the door of my room, reaching for the latch. It groans open, and I flinch. There would be no sneaking out with the door giving away my departure every time.
I peek my head out, looking first to my right, then to my left.
The corridor is dimly lit by sconces lining the walls, and large candelabras spaced every so often.
I duck back inside, walking to the twin wardrobes and pulling open drawers looking for a pair of shoes.
I find a pair of soft slippers and slip them on before heading back to dip out into the corridor.
I close the door behind me gently, and it seals with a clank as the latch falls into place.
Reaching over, I grab the sconce off the wall near my door, and head in the opposite direction that Amon brought me from.
Doors line the walls every so often, but none are near as large as mine or even Amon’s.
It’s completely quiet save for the sound of my slippered feet shuffling against stone. I make my way down the corridor, stopping when I come to a large archway.
The room beyond is dark, and I squint slightly, trying to make it out. Holding the sconce out in front of me, I pass the threshold. It looks like a great room, but I can’t be entirely sure. Taking a few more steps into the darkness, I worry at my bottom lip.
Maybe I shouldn’t be here. The room wasn’t lit up, but maybe that was just because it wasn’t in use right now.
Turning, I startle, my heart skipping a beat. My dim reflection stares back at me, and I raise a hand to my chest, attempting to calm my thundering heart. I let out a whoosh of air before approaching the glass and placing a hand against it.
I can’t see anything on the other side, so I look around me, and spot a candelabra to my right.
Reaching out, I hold the fire to the candles, and a dim glow envelops the space around me. I can see a little bit better now, and I look around the large room. Dusty drapery hang over a wall of glass windows, which explains the reflection I saw of myself.
Walking over to peer through, I notice the outline of shrubbery on the other side, but the sky is pitch black. I can’t make out anything else.
I look down and notice right away that these aren’t just windows. Latches line the wall, and I reach down to grasp one. I take a deep breath and pull the handle, and the door opens with a clank.
The voice is deep, and it echoes slightly through the empty space. I gasp, spinning around and dropping the sconce in the process.
My hand flies to my throat, and my heart hammers behind my ribcage.
Amon approaches me from the corridor, his hands fisted at his sides.
“I’m sorry.” I say, squeaking as I bend over to pick up the sconce.
“I had no idea you were here.”
Amon shakes his head, regarding me quietly. “There is no reason to apologize.” He looks down at me, his amber eyes molten liquid in the dim candlelight.
Taking a couple of steps closer, he reaches past me and pulls the glass door closed. The clanking sound echoes through the room.
I don’t shrink away from him, but his nearness is disconcerting.
His scent assails me, and I take a slow deep inhalation of breath. I wanted to reach out and touch him, and that realization makes me frown.
I fist my hand in my skirts instead, averting my gaze as he takes a small step backwards.
“I would rather you stay indoors at night, princess.” he says, his rumbling voice sending small shivers across my skin.
“O-ok, I understand.” I respond, trying to shake the sensations.