I take in his features, his strong jaw, his sharp nose…. his lips.
He ties off the bandage before sitting back to regard me silently for a moment.
I look at the ground sheepishly, holding my hand to my chest.
Standing, he pushes his chair to the table slowly before approaching me.
His nearness makes me shiver, and I shrink into myself as he leans down, his face mere inches from mine. He sneers at me, his fangs glinting in the firelight.
“Congratulations, Princess.”
Irecoil from Amon, my nostrils flaring as the scent of him permeates my senses. I wasn’t really sure what I expected, but sandalwood and leather weren’t on the list.
I investigate the amber depths of his eyes, and his gaze falters.
He backs away from me before running a hand through his hair in frustration.
Now that I was able to, I took him in.
He was tall, incredibly tall. I had to crane my neck up just to look at him.
He was densely muscled, and swirling black markings and runes cover his chest and upper arms.
I wonder what they meant, and squinted my eyes, trying to make sense of them.
Large hands ended in clawed fingers that he clenched into a fist as he turned away from me, stalking towards the fireplace.
I watch the muscles play along his back as he reaches both hands to set them against the hearth. A deep sigh escapes him, and I shake myself from the trance I was just in.
I was ogling a demon.
I look down at the bandage wrapped around my hand. He had tended to me. So, he couldn’t be all that bad.
Fidgeting with the bandage, I clear my throat as I work up the courage to speak.
“So…. what now?” I ask quietly. I look up in his direction through my lashes.
He’s quiet for a moment, likely thinking about my fate. He slumps, letting out another sigh of resignation.
“Tonight, we sleep. Tomorrow I will find a place for you.”
I frown, looking up at him then.
“But aren’t I-.”
He spins on me then, his face twisted, his fangs bared.
“Would you rather I throw you in the fires then?”
I shake my head, eyes wide.
He turns away from me again, shoving clawed fingers through his hair.
I regard the room we’re in, noticing again the single bed. “Where am I going to sleep?” I ask softly.