I watch as the cut on his arm pulls closed, as though nothing had happened.
I glance down at the knife laying in the dirt at my feet.
Taking in a shaky breath, I lean down to pick it up. Facing the demon once more, I take a step towards him.
“Now, Amon, I would like to make a bargain.”
The words come out unsteady, and I clear my throat.
He raises his head to look at me, his black eyes boring into me.
It’s unsettling, and I shiver.
“I am at your disposal.” He says through gritted teeth.
This is actually going to work.
I can’t believe it.
Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes before speaking.
“You will take me in leu of the child. You will relinquish your claim. In return, you will grant another thousand years of peace to my people.”
The words feel like stones in my heart, and I almost want to take them back as soon as they leave my lips.
Amon lowers his head further, sinking into himself.
The ground starts to shake, and I glance behind me to see a group of riders approaching.
I can hear yelling as they grow nearer, and I know one of them is my brother.
I can tell by the armor.
I turn to Amon, and just as my brother dismounts his still moving horse, the demon reaches out, wrapping a clawed hand around my upper arm.
In an instant the air is sucked away from me. I feel choked, and the ground tilts beneath me. I panic, seeking purchase, but Amon grabs me and pulls me against him.
As soon as its begun it’s over, and I crumple to hard stone.
Gasping, I clutch at my throat, gulping in air.
Amon still kneels in front of me, but we aren’t in Delyra anymore.
He stands slowly, his head still bowed, his eyes closed.
When he opens them again, they’re not black anymore.
They are amber.
He regards me silently, his expression stoic. The only thing that belies his anger is the ticking of his jaw.
I stand slowly, smoothing my skirts and glancing around me. The room is large, with a large bed and an even larger fireplace.
A stone table sits between the two, and I watch as Amon turns and walks to it. He reaches out and splays a hand over the surface, and a scroll appears. I gasp, watching as he pulls a chair and gestures for me to come sit.
I don’t move right away, but a warning glance from him makes me move my feet.