The markings over my chest begin to glow.
A blood sacrifice was being made.
The air is sucked out of the room, and I grit my teeth against the sensation of being pulled through space and time.
The air swirls and pools at my feet, creating a dark fog that envelops me.
For a moment the air is choked out of me, and as soon as it’s begun it’s over.
I look around me, recognizing the place instantly. I had been summoned to the crossroads of Delyra.
I look down, frowning at the small human female kneeling at my feet. Her lavender eyes are wide with fear, and she’s staring at me.
She’s tiny, with a head full of wild silver waves and pale peachy skin. Her lips are parted in shock, and I can’t help but notice how full they are.
I want to move, but quickly realize I can’t.
Looking around me, I also notice that my sigil is etched in the dirt.
The little female rises slowly, her eyes regarding me warily.
“What do you want, human?” I growl, searching the ground for any weakness in the circle.
The female looks to the ground, her eyes darting back and forth. I roll my eyes, bellowing at her.
“Why have you summoned me?!”
She recoils but does not step away.
After a moment, she stands a little taller, raising her chin in the air. Her face takes on a determined look.
“I have summoned you here to strike a bargain.”
I chuckle, the sound coming from low in my chest.
“Is that so, female?” I ask, lowering my head to look her in the eye. I bare my teeth and fangs at her.
“And what is so important that you felt the need to summon me? Do you realize I could kill you in mere seconds and you would be powerless to stop me?”
I reach out, slowly raking a claw across her cheek.
Her fear permeates the air around me and I revel in it.
She pauses, but holds my gaze, her brow etching into a slight frown.
It makes her nose crinkle.
She stands taller still, pulling her shoulders back.
“No, you can’t.”
The words are confident, and I smirk.
“My blood acts as a ward. You can do no harm to me.”
I throw my head back, bellowing laughter. Closing my eyes with mirth, I reach up, placing a hand against my chest before bowing to her in amusement.
Looking up at her with a fanged smile, I give her a flourish of my hand.