The woman dips in acknowledgement before turning to retrieve a small leather bag from a shelf above her head. She opens a wooden barrel and reaches in, scooping salt into the bag before tying it off and handing it to me.

I thank her, placing the bag in the pocket of my skirt. She leads me into another room where candles hang by strings to dry.

There are buckets and buckets full of warm wax, the fires under them low enough to keep the wax melted.

The woman hands me four candles, and I thank her. She smiles, curtsying before walking back into the kitchen.

I reach over and snag a box of matches off the table to my right before following her.

I spy a small knife sitting on a table holding cooling loaves of bread, and I turn my back to it, scooping it up and hiding it in the folds of my skirts.

“Thank you!” I say before turning and ducking out of the room. I exit through another door leading into a short corridor. The servants quarters were this direction, and I walk quickly, avoiding eye contact with anyone I pass by.

Eyes straight ahead, I turn the corner and head for a smaller wooden door leading to the outside of the castle. On the wall are hooks draped with unattended cloaks.

I grab one, quickly donning it as I open the door and head outside. I pull the hood up as I make my way across the small clearing to the stables. I glance at the sky and anxiety coils in my stomach.

The sun was sinking behind the mountains, casting a radiant red and orange glow across the horizon.

I quicken my pace, my hands trembling as I finger the items in my pockets.

I reach the stable door, pulling it open before ducking inside quickly.

Pulling the door closed behind me, I listen as two young men chatter about dinner. I peek around the side of a stall and watch as they exit the stable. I step out, and the horse in the stall jumps, giving off a startled snort.

I jump, too, but raise my hands and pull my hood down so he can see my face.

“Wooooah, boy. It’s ok.” I whisper as I round the corner.

His nostrils flare as I walk past, looking from stall to stall.

Towards the entrance sits an impatient white mare. She paws at the ground, regarding me warily.

I notice she’s tied to a hook on the wall, and she’s already bridled and saddled, awaiting her rider.

“Hey girl.” I whisper, holding my hand out so she can smell me.

“I need your help girl, and I need you to be careful with me.”

I step closer to the mare, reaching up and running my hand over her neck.

“Please don’t throw me.” I say as I stroke her.

The mare seemingly calms, and her pawing ceases. She watches me as I place my items in the saddle bag. I walk around to the front of her and run my hands over her nose and neck, attempting to befriend her.

She raises her head and sniffs at my face, the light puffs of air tickling my brow. I giggle, moving around to place my foot in a stirrup.

I pull myself up after a couple of false starts and less than lady-like grunts before seating myself in the saddle.

I reach for the reigns before I lean over to untie her from the wall.

I hesitate a moment, looking out towards the castle.

There’s no movement. No one has realized I’m missing yet. For a moment I second guess myself and wonder if I could possibly be absolutely mad.

There’s no way this crazy idea was going to work, right?

I have to try.