“I have gone over it and over it in my head. I don’t know how to keep this from happening, Elora.”
I pull my lip between my teeth, looking over at him to meet his gaze. The defeat there breaks my heart.
I fight the urge to tell him I found a way.
If I did Olam would be gone.
He would wait for Amon at the crossroads.
Ziterra needed him. Their son needed a father.
I look back up to the sky, noticing the darker hue as the sun begins to dip towards the mountains.
“I wish I had comforting words for you brother.” I say softly.
Olam doesn’t respond, but he reaches for my hand, squeezing gently.
I squeeze back, watching as he stands to walk away slowly, his hands in his pockets.
My heart shatters into a million pieces.
More than ever my mind was made up.
I will be trading places with my nephew this night.
The gardens had cleared out for the most part now that the sun was beginning to sink. The air had begun to cool, and I run my hands over my bare arms, staving off the goosebumps threatening to break out on my flesh.
Standing, I smooth my skirt, slip back into my shoes, and glance towards the bench where I had left Granuail. She wasn’t there, which meant she probably went to ready my room.
Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I decide to take a chance and sneak around the outside of the castle towards the kitchens. The smell of baking bread and boiling vegetables permeates the air as I round the corner.
Maids scatter the area outside, shaking out linens and beating rugs. I nod and smile as a few frown at me.
Two of them turn to whisper to each other and I take that opportunity to sneak through a small wooden door.
I’m instantly bombarded by the bustling sounds of people doing various tasks. Some are chopping vegetables, one is kindling the stoves, and others are kneading dough.
A busty older woman with kind blue eyes I had only ever seen a couple of times notices me right away and curtsies hurriedly, clearing her throat.
The others in the kitchen stop and look up at me, and they all stop what they’re doing to bow or curtsy in my direction.
I smile widely, nodding my head in greeting.
“Princess,” the older woman starts, “How may we help you?”
I take the few steps towards her, tucking my hair behind my ear.
“I’m in need of a few items.” I whisper.
She nods, gesturing with her hand for me to follow her into the storeroom.
“What is it you need? Anything here is at your disposal.”
I smile at her comment. “Salt,” I begin, “and four candlesticks, please.”