Tapping a claw against the blackened stone, I frown.

The convergence was happening, whether I liked it or not.



“It’s well past noon child, and you could use some sunlight.” Granuail says.

I start, lifting my head from my studies to glance up at her. She sat in a chair in the corner, sewing small, intricate designs into a linen square. I had a whole drawer full of handkerchiefs embroidered with small flowers and other intricate designs.

I sigh, nodding.

The words were starting to blend anyways.

I’d been able to find a few things that explained the process behind what they called ‘evocation,’ or the conjuring of spirits or deities.

According to my research it was fairly simple. All I needed was salt, candles, the demon’s sigil, my blood and intention.

Easy enough.

The next biggest issue, would anyone be willing to conjure a demon?

I shake my head.

I would never expect someone to put themselves in that position, and from what I read it took a willing participant anyways.

I was more than willing and would gladly trade places with my nephew.

I push my chair backwards, the legs scuffing against the wood floor.

I stand, stretching.

The candles had long since burned out, and the light shining through the single window was starting to fade, telling me the sun was on the other side of the castle.

Gathering up the books, I open the door, letting Granuail exit first before locking it and returning the key to its hiding place on the bookshelf.

I help my handmaid descend the stairs before returning the books back to their places.

I kneel down, worrying at my bottom lip as I scan the books in the area, looking for anything else that could be of any assistance.

Granuail huffs. “I hope you aren’t planning anything stupid, child.”

The statement is spoken softly, and I stand, brushing off my skirts as I turn to take her hand in mine.

I give it a light squeeze.

I was never any good at lying, so I had learned from an early age not to say anything at all.

I take Granuail’s arm in mine, and we walk from the library, nodding in greeting to people as we walk by them.

I’m quiet as we make our way down the corridor.

Salt was easy to get.

Candles were easy to get.

I could take my letter opener with me.