I stand, watching her as she takes a hot stone from the fire with a set of fire tongs. She drops it into a bucket, and the sound of sizzling water fills the room. Granuail walks to the bathing bowl on the other side and fills it.

I walk to the bowl, accepting the washcloth she gives me. Setting it on the edge of the basin, I reach down to pull my nightgown up over my head. Goosebumps raise on my flesh, and I shiver.

I grab the cloth and dip it into the warm water, wringing it out before running over my face, neck and shoulders. The water smells of jasmine, and I hum appreciatively.

Jasmine had always been my favorite scent, and it had been planted in the library for me eons ago.

I smile, dipping the cloth back into the water before wringing it and dipping it between my thighs.

Granuail pulls a light blue dress from my wardrobe, laying it out on the end of the bed.

“How is Ziterra?” I ask, breaking the silence. Granuail stiffens, smoothing the skirts before walking to the front of the bed to pull up the covers.

“She’s distraught, understandably so.” Granuail doesn’t say anything more than that, and I don’t pry.

I finish up and dry off before walking over and stepping into the sky-blue gown. I smooth my hands over the skirts as Granuail works on the intricate ties in the back. The fabric is silken and smooth and feels good on my skin.

The shoulders of the dress fall in such a way that it accentuates my neck and collar bone. The bodice is tight to the hips, where the fabric falls away and flows freely.

Granuail runs a brush through my wild waves, leaving my hair to slow freely down my back. She steps back, shaking her head with a smile. “Beautiful child, if not just a little too stubborn.”

I laugh, pulling her into a hug and planting a kiss on her cheek.

“I wonder who I get it from? You did raise me…or don’t you remember that in your old age?”

Granuail reaches out and pinches my arm, feigning a look of admonishment. “I’ll still box your ears, young lady!”

I flash her a smile before turning towards the door. “I’ll see you in a little while for breakfast!” I say hurriedly, rushing from the room.

I enter the library, scanning the room for any sign of movement. The maids have already lit the day candles and sconces, and the curtains have already been pulled to allow the daylight in.

During the day the library was easily the most beautiful room of the castle.

Two grand staircases on either side led to a second floor, where floor to ceiling bookshelves lined the walls.

Ladders lined the shelves, and green ivy curled around the base of the bannisters. Jasmine scattered the room, and it gave the air a sweet scent.

Walking along the shelves towards the back of the library I run my fingers along the bindings of thousands of years of knowledge, begging them to speak to me.

Where was I going to find something that held a tutorial on how to conjure a demon?

I reach the corner of the bookshelf, scanning the selections there. This was where everything on tradition, holidays, cultural cuisines, and traditions were kept. The corner is dimly lit, and I reach behind me to take a candle from a candelabra.

Holding it closer to the titles, I scan them, looking towards the bottom near the floor.

A dull symbol catches my attention.

A pentagram.

Of course!

The occult.

I reach for the book, pulling and three others with similar symbols. These books dated back to a time when it was considered taboo to conjure such things.

I set the candle back in its stand and make my way to the stairs. Books in one hand and skirts in the other, I climb, my eyes on the big wooden door at the landing.

I reach down into my skirt pocket and curse, stomping my foot. “Damn it!” I whisper, turning to start back down the stairs.