Page 67 of Whatever You Want

“Are you deaf?” Vanessa’s cheeks were getting redder by the second. This was turning into a complete shitshow. “I said leave.”

Vanessa took a step forward, but I moved in front of Ava. “Back up.”

I did not trust my ex-wife and wouldn’t allow her to take one step closer.

“You really have nerve bringing your whore here.”

“Ava,” I said, never taking my eyes off my ex. “Go find my family.”

She placed a gentle hand on my back. “I’m not leaving you here alone with her.”

“Excuse me,” Vanessa bellowed. Eyes from all over the auditorium started to draw our way, not that she cared. “You don’t get a say in this.”

“People are watching,” I reminded her in a low voice. “Do you really want to embarrass your daughter like this?”

“You bringing your skank here is what’s embarrassing.”

I took in her face and studied her, wondering how the hell we ended up here. She was out of control, and I didn’t see this ending unless I put my foot down once and for all.

“Vanessa. I’m not going to tell you again.” I started and stopped when one of the dance instructors walked by with one of her students.

She folded her arms across her chest, not even caring about her surroundings. “I won’t repeat myself either.” She leaned her head over my shoulder and tried to get around me. “You are not welcome here!”

My ex-wife was seriously crazy. This little showdown would only get worse if I didn’t get her to calm down. What I really wanted to do, was grip her by the arms and drag her ass out of here.

Ava stood tall and squared her shoulders. “I’m sorry that my being here is upsetting you, but Logan wanted me here. And the last time I checked, this was public property.”

Vanessa looked Ava up and down. “You think that just because you’re spreading your legs for him, that makes you someone important? News flash, that only makes you a tramp. So you can go spread your STD somewhere else.”

I inhaled slowly through my nose. Rage, thick and hot, flowed through my veins. I was about to respond when Ava’s hand squeezed on my shoulder. “It’s fine, Logan, I can handle this.”

I spun around and begged her with my eyes to let me deal with this. “You shouldn’t have to.”

She patted me on the chest, letting me know she was going to square off with my ex-wife whether I wanted her to or not.

Ava moved around me, appearing calm and confident. I knew she was capable of holding her own, but that didn’t mean I had to like it. “I’ve been warned about you, Vanessa, and I’m not afraid of you. You can call me all the names you want, and do your best to drive me away, but I’m not going anywhere.”

“You are hilarious. You act like you have a say in any of this. You are a nobody. You will be forgotten like yesterday’s news. So don’t think you’re so special, sweetheart.”

Ava sighed. “This is getting nowhere.” She looked to me and then around as if she wasn’t sure what to do. “I don’t want to draw anymore unwanted attention. I’m going to find your parents.”

My eyes closed in relief. There was no doubt that if Ava wanted to, she could wipe the floor with my ex-wife. Instead of taking her down, she chose the high road. I squeezed her hand, letting her know how grateful I was.

Vanessa tried to lunge for her as she walked away, but I grabbed her by the arm. “Don’t even think about it.”

I watched Ava disappear through the double doors and get lost in the crowd. Thank God, she was now far enough away from this train wreck. God, it went off the rails quick.

I spun around, trying and failing to keep the anger from showing on my face. “Don’t ever talk to her like that again.”

“How could you blindside me like this?”

I dragged her by the arm down the hall, away from prying eyes. “You want to talk about blindsiding? How about you showing up at my girlfriend’s place of business, huh?” My mind was still swirling with that bit of information. “How about the stunt you just pulled? Calling her names and throwing a temper tantrum like a spoiled little brat. You need to get over yourself.”

“Stop manhandling me.” She tore her arm out of my grasp. “All this over a piece of ass that you’ve known for two point five seconds?”

“Watch it.” My jaw clenched tight. “And you want to talk about manhandling. If you ever lay a hand on her, I will have you arrested for assault.”

Vanessa’s face screwed up in anger. “I don’t need to lay a hand on her. If I want her gone, I will find a way to make it happen.”