Page 64 of Whatever You Want

“How often do you get hit on?” I asked, knocking my knee against Logan’s. His beer paused on the way to his lips.

“Um…Not as much as I used to.”

Well, that wasn’t very reassuring. Did I really want to know what he meant by that? No, I didn’t. I wasn’t an insecure person, but Logan’s looks and personality could check off any woman’s boxes. And despite my best efforts to not think about what a catch he was, a knot of jealously formed in my stomach.

He leaned in, pressing his lips to my forehead. “You have nothing to worry about when it comes to me. You’re the only ‘bunny’ I’m interested in.”

Gage placed a hand over his heart. “Aren’t you two sweet, but Logan, you kiss like an old man. Next time aim for the lips not the forehead.” I tilted my head to the side. He was such a smart-ass. “So, Ava, tell us about yourself.”

I sat up straighter. “What do you want to know?”

“I heard you cut hair for a living. Other than playing with scissors and hairbrushes, what else do you enjoy?”

What a dick.

“Gage,” Logan warned at the same time his wife elbowed him in the side.

“Will you stop being a butt-hole.” Lily looked at me with an apology in her eyes. “Please ignore him. That’s what I do. He’s just teasing you. He’s really not that much of an asshole.”

Logan coughed next to me. “I’m not so sure about that.”

Luke rose from his seat and glanced at my empty glass. “I’m going to fetch a beer. Can I get you another Chardonnay?”

Luke had been relatively quiet where Gage had been dominating the conversations. I knew that Logan was close with his brother, and I was eager to know him better.

“I was going to check in on the girls, they’ve been out back for a while. I can come with you.”

I followed Luke into the kitchen. He walked over to the counter and quickly refilled my wineglass while I peeked outside. Brina was throwing a frisbee while Madison kicked a soccer ball around the yard. The poor dogs didn’t know which way to turn. Patrick sat on the deck, seeming content.

I quickly closed the door. “I think Harley and Bentley are enjoying the attention.”

Luke moved a scented candle out of the way and slid a coaster across the counter. “Let me guess. My dad has his ass parked in a chair while the girls tear up the yard.”

I laughed at his accurate assumption. “Pretty much.”

Once he grabbed a cold beer out of the fridge, he slid onto one of the empty barstools.

“Have a seat.” He patted the spot next to him.

“Thank you.” I held up my wineglass.

“My pleasure. It looked like you needed that.” He looked off into the other room and back to me. “Gage was just being Gage. He grows on you once you get to know him.”

I fidgeted with the paper towel in front of me. “It was that obvious, huh?”

He snorted. “Stevie Wonder could have seen it.”

I bit the inside of my cheek. “My husband was an athlete in college who attracted a lot of attention. Gage’s comment about the ‘badge bunnies’ just brought back a lot of insecurities. I know how hard it is to date a man when the temptation is always there.” I shook my head, feeling stupid for saying that. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be comparing Logan to Drew. Plus, I’m sure there are other topics you’d like to talk about other than my dead husband.”

He reached out, placing his hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. You can talk about him. No one expects you to act like he never existed.”

His tone was gentle and comforting. He was trying to ease my worry, and he reminded me so much of Logan at that moment.

I took a hefty sip of my wine. “You sound just like your brother.”

“My brother is crazy about you.” He rubbed his chin, seeming to weigh his words. “Logan will probably kill me for telling you this, but he’s had feelings for you for quite a while now. Long before you two started dating.”

That brought a smile to my face. “We talked about that, so no worries,” I reassured him, recalling that conversation. “When we first met, I assumed that he just was a serial dater and huge flirt. It wasn’t until this past year when he started coming around that I realized how badly I misjudged him. He’s been there for me and my daughter in a way that I never expected.” My words got caught in the back of my throat, and I felt a lone tear slip from my eye. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.”