Page 40 of Whatever You Want

“Of course, they get stuffed animals and I get these,” I gritted out in annoyance.

After throwing darts at balloons, shooting BB guns at targets, tossing rings on posts, and firing water guns, Brina walked away with a huge brown bear and a baby dolphin. Madison was carrying a gigantic SpongeBob and a little stuffed dog.

“You do realize you could have saved yourself a lot of money and just stopped at the Dollar Store on our way home?”

“Yeah, but this right here,” he pointed to the girls as they walked in front of us, “is priceless.”

My daughter’s smile lit up her entire face that was sticky from the cotton candy. Brina’s hair was falling out of her ponytail; she had a face painting on one side of her cheek and grass stains all over her white shorts.

I couldn’t agree more.

“What was so important that you needed to meet with me outside the office, Renee?”

Renee Alvez was an assistant district attorney. She was a no-nonsense, no-bullshit type of person. I wasn’t all that surprised when she got straight to the point.

“How are you making out with the Wilson case?”

I eyed her skeptically, trying to figure out what her angle was. “I’m hoping to wrap it up soon?”

“I need a favor.”

“You know better than to ask me that.”

“Please.” She batted her eyelashes in a way I was all too familiar with. Renee wasn’t just a coworker. She was someone I hooked up with a few times in the past. It was nothing serious, but I got the impression she was more into me than I was with her.

I set my turkey sandwich down and pushed it aside. “Renee, this is a sensitive case. If you want a conviction then let me do my job.” I leveled my gaze on hers. “The right way.”

The case she was referring to would most likely be one of the biggest trials of her career. Doug Wilson was a prominent dentist, and our number one suspect in the murder of a topless dancer found in an alley outside the Landing Strip, a gentleman’s club just south of the airport. Right now, all we had was circumstantial evidence tying him to the murder. Surveillance was getting heavy, and while our IT department was making progress combing through his digital footprint, time was running out. I wanted a warrant for his arrest before another woman was found sexually assaulted and murdered.

“I just want to help move this case along.”

What she was really saying was, she wanted her moment in the spotlight. She was one step away from a promotion, and this would be the case that would seal the deal.

“Patience,” I reminded her.

“Fine.” She pushed back in her chair. “I knew it was a long shot. It was also the only way I could get you to meet with me.”

I knew this lunch was an excuse, but against my better judgment, I agreed. The last time she called and asked if I’d meet her out for a drink, I told her I wasn’t interested. With things picking up with Ava, there wasn’t a chance in hell I was going to give Renee any false hope. Our fling was over and done. She knew this but used this case to get me here. I was busy and didn’t have time for her games.

“Renee, there are two things I won’t do.” I placed my arm along the back of the chair next to me. “Jeopardize this case or go back to being fuck buddies.”

She folded her arms along her chest and glared. “You could have phrased that a little more gently, don’t you think?”

Renee knew the shit I went through with my ex-wife. She understood why we ended. She wasn’t stupid. I never misled her, and I certainly never made her any promises. When I said something, I meant it. My blood heated with frustration as I stared at her. Renee was used to getting what she wanted, and she hated that I wasn’t willing to give it to her.

I wadded my napkin up and placed it in the middle of the tray next to my half-eaten sandwich. “I’m just being honest. I thought you of all people would appreciate that.”

She tossed her long auburn hair over her shoulder. Renee was gorgeous. You would never know by looking at her that she was in her mid-forties. She had a fan club of admirers following her around the office everywhere she went—some of them straight out of the academy. Age didn’t matter when it came to an attractive woman, especially one who was into fitness like Renee. She had a body of a twenty-one-year-old.

“There has to be something I can do to change your mind.” She brought the heel of her shoe up to my pant leg and started trailing it up to my calf. “None of the men I’ve been with lately know how to handle me. You’re a tough act to follow.”

I laughed, not knowing what to say to that. Renee had a very active sex drive. She’d been around the block a few times and was comfortable in her own skin. Our relationship was satisfying for both of us while it lasted, but things just fizzled out on my end. “C’mon, you know damn well that’s not true. There is plenty of young blood in that precinct with enough stamina to keep you entertained.”

Hell, at forty-five, she could probably teach them a trick or two.

She twirled her hair along her finger. “You know what I like. You’re fun and…” Her eyes darted over my shoulder.

A little hand tapped me on the arm. I turned in my seat, shocked to see Madison grinning from ear to ear. “Hi, Logan.”