Page 37 of Their Fated Magic

“What’s going on?” he asks, coming to stand in front of me.

I decide to be honest. “I’m really worried about what the wolves will do with me once I solve this problem. They’re holding to the plan they agreed on, with no concern about me. It makes me nervous.” Garrick is the only one here I’m starting to trust, and it feels good to get that off my chest.

He doesn’t seem surprised by my line of thought. “I understand. They’re not budging on the whole idea that you’re an evil witch they need to use and then be done with. They believe that so deeply that no amount of evidence otherwise will change their minds. We can’t be sure what they’re going to do when you fix this curse. But listen, if we go back to the wolf lands and they decide to get rid of you as their bride, I’m not strong enough to take them all on.”

“Get rid of me?” His words strangely reflect my darkest thoughts.

His expression is intense. “Do you really think they’d keep you around to learn all their secrets and how they run things and then just let you go home? Logically, that would be a terrible idea.”

I swallow. Hard. “Logically. Right.”

Some part of me could see Drogo capable of doing that, but not Rinan and Arlys. Especially not Rinan. From the beginning, he’s always been softer with me. Almost kind. Then again, he also always seems to go along with Drogo, so who knows?

“The only way for you to be truly safe is for us to split off from the wolves before we get to that point.” He searches my face for a response, and I’m sure he can see my surprise. That idea never occurred to me.

My thoughts start turning. He’s not saying anything that’s not true. I’d already come to accept that my future would be with Garrick and the bears, and not with the other princes. But do I really need to abandon the wolves already? The idea of losing them makes my whole chest ache.

“I don’t know,” I say.

He runs a hand down my arm. “I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do. It’s clear you care about those three wolves, even though the gods know they don’t deserve it. But my job as your husband is to keep you safe, and you’re not safe with them the second you cure the illness. Not when ridding themselves of a witch bride is more important than anything else. Then all logic.”

It’s hard. He’s right. About everything.

He studies me. “The wolves feel something for you, Tara, of that I have no doubt. But I also think when push comes to shove, they’ll do what they think is best for their people, regardless of how they feel about you.” He shakes his head. “The idiots.”

They will. No matter how much it hurts all of us.

“Will you sneak away with me tonight?” he asks.

“Tonight?” I whisper, completely shocked.

I thought I still had days with the wolves, at least. Thinking about never seeing Arlys’ thoughtful expression, Rinan’s smile, or Drogo’s grumpy face makes my heart hurt. Tonight? Why not tomorrow or the next day? Or am I only delaying the inevitable?

“When else can we do this? We’ll be at the top of the mountain tomorrow, and you’ll fix the water. Then they don’t need you any longer and every step after with them could put you in danger. I don’t want to head back with them at all. I want to keep you safe.”

It’s logical. His plan makes sense. So why aren’t I on board?

“They’ll get mad.”

I don’t know why that springs to my lips. Why it matters. Why is it so important you don’t hurt men who you know literally want to throw you away?

“They’re always mad,” he retorts, and I laugh. They are always mad, so why worry about it?

“We still need to fix the water. No matter what,” I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

I won’t let anyone suffer any longer, not even to ensure my own safety. I went up this mountain for a reason, and I’m not leaving until I complete the task. I don't want to have endured my time with the wolves with no good behind it.

“Of course. The water’s spreading the Illness to everyone: their people and mine. We desperately need your cure. And I desperately need you. We’ll fix the water, and I’ll take you home to safety. We don’t need the wolves for that. All we need to do is get far enough ahead of them that you can fix the water, and we can sneak back down without them, before disappearing into bear lands.”

I stare, feeling lost, though I see reassurance in his face.

“We’ll do this together. You’ll never be alone. I promise.” He reaches for my hand, and I look at it for a moment before taking it.

Okay. So I leave the wolves behind. Forever. I can do this.

