Page 21 of Danger

“Well, I’m great. I feel lucky in fact,” Declan grumbled. “The woman that I love seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth and I have no idea what to do about it. Lucky indeed.”

“Lil and the Harlots have been trying to hunt her down,” Cillian offered.

“I appreciate that, I do, but it’s been two months and I’m not sure that Danger wants to be found. If that’s the case, Lil and the Harlots don’t stand a chance of finding her.”

“You’ve forgotten how stubborn our little sister is, man. The women in the Harlots are the same way. Hell, Viv is in the Harlots now and she’s the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met,” Cillian said.

“I don’t think that stubbornness has anything to do with being able to find Danger. She’s MI6 and has been taught how to lay low. If she doesn’t want to be found, a whole pack of stubborn women won’t be able to find her,” Declan insisted.

“Maybe you’re right, but they have a few leads,” Cillian said. “The day that we went to get Anthony, Danger told Lil that she had a place back in the UK where she was planning on laying low.”

“And Lil didn’t try to stop her?” Declan shouted.

“Lil convinced Danger to meet us back at the safe house where you two were staying. She thought that she had gotten through to Danger and convinced her to let us help her and her brother,” Cillian assured.

“But she didn’t come back to the safe house, and now, I might never find her again. You all should have included me in finding Anthony. I should have been at that building with you, but Lil kept me in the dark. She was talking to Danger and planning to go into the Dead Rabbit’s building, and no one ever told me. I’m pissed, man. I should have been there, and Danger wouldn’t be missing now. You both should have told me what was going on, but you didn’t.”

“You’re right, and I’m sorry,” Cillian said, “but, Danger insisted that she didn’t want you involved. She promised to tell you everything once we got Anthony out, but she didn’t want to worry about you getting hurt. Hell, she didn’t know that Lil had asked the rest of us to be a part of the operation. We insisted and really didn’t give Lil a choice. We just showed up to the building and didn’t take no for an answer.”

“You still should have called me,” Declan insisted.

“I should have, and if I had to do it all over again, I would have called you. But we can’t go back in time. All we can do now is find Danger and make sure that she and Anthony are safe,” Cillian said.

“And how do you intend to do that?” Declan asked.

“Well, Lil has tracked Danger down to a small town in Yorkshire, but no one is telling us where her place is. Apparently, the people who live in the community are tight-lipped and they won’t give up one of their own,” Cillian said.

“So, what are we supposed to do then?” Declan asked. “Are we to go door to door and ask if Danger and Anthony are there?”

“Kind of,” Cillian said. “Lil and I want to go with you to the UK. We plan on tracking her down with the help of a few guys in the Royal Bastards who work for the CIA. They can track down home sale records in the area, even if she paid cash for her house. We’ll find her, man. Savage has booked the three of us on a plane that leaves in five hours. That gives you enough time to pack and be ready to go.” Declan looked his brother over and wasn’t sure if he should hug the guy or punch him for holding out on him about this news.

“I’ll be ready,” Declan agreed, “but, for now on, you need to keep me in the loop.”

Cillian held out his hand to his brother and Declan shook it. “Deal, brother,” Cillian agreed. Declan just hoped that his brother and sister’s plan would work because not finding Danger was starting to wear him down. He was losing hope, and that was something that Declan couldn’t do if he wanted her back.

He had forgotten how much he hated to fly, especially overseas. They got there the next day and although he should have felt exhausted, all he could do was think about getting to Danger. He was running on pure adrenaline. His brother and sister looked a little bit worse for wear and he felt bad about dragging them into his mess.

Cillian’s CIA friend from his club had sent them the information he had found out about Danger’s whereabouts. She had purchased a small cottage in a little town called Pateley Bridge, in North Yorkshire. According to Cillian’s friend, it was a sleepy little town where most everyone kept to themselves, but he was able to get her address and Declan just hoped like hell that she was there. If she had gotten spooked, she would have moved Anthony, and he might never find her.

They had flown to Heathrow Airport, in London, and spent the night in a hotel nearby. If it was up to him, he would have driven straight to Yorkshire to find Danger, but his siblings had overruled him and said that they all could use some sleep. Declan wasn’t sure that he had slept a wink, but he was glad to see his brother and sister looking a bit more refreshed.

“Well, eat breakfast and then go pick up the rental car,” Declan said.

“No, we’re not getting a rental car,” Lilliana said. “We’re taking a train. It takes less time to get to Yorkshire by train, and I thought you might want to get there as quickly as possible.” His sister wasn’t wrong. He wanted to get to Danger as fast as humanly possible.

“I appreciate that, Lil,” he said.

“I miss her too, Declan,” Lil reminded. “I want to find her also, and we will.”

“I hope that you’re right. I don’t know what I’ll do if I have to go back to the States without her,” he admitted.

“So, you’re planning on coming back to Alabama with us?” Cillian asked. They had siblings in Ireland still, but he was always closest to Lil, and rekindling his relationship with Cillian was nice. He loved getting to know his brother’s wife and kids, and going back to Ireland would probably leave him feeling empty.

“I would like to go back to Huntsville with you guys if you’ll have me,” he admitted. “But I guess I’ll have to see what Danger wants to do. If she plans on staying here, then I’ll stay here too. I can’t live without her again. These past two months have been hell for me.”

“I know,” Cillian grumbled, “I was the one who got stuck having to check with you every night at Savage Hell.”

“You got stuck having to check on me?” Declan asked.