Page 2 of Danger

“You served your time, and you got out,” Declan reminded. “You made something of yourself and Da and Ma would be so proud to know that you’ve made them grandparents.” Some of their brothers and sisters back in Ireland had kids, but his parents would have been so happy to know that Cillian had changed his life for the better and now, had kids of his own. “I can’t wait to meet your family.”

“Good, because you’ll be staying with us,” Cillian said.

“Is that safe?” Lil asked. “If the Dead Rabbits followed him here, your family will be in danger.”

“I’ll take precautions,” Cillian assured.

“No, you won’t because I’m not staying with you,” Declan said. “Lil is right, I can’t be sure that I wasn’t followed, and I won’t put your family in danger.” Lil opened her mouth to speak, and Declan held up his hand, stopping her. “And before you invite me to stay with you, I won’t. I can find my own place to lay low.”

“Actually, I was going to say that Savage has a few apartments over the bar here, and I’m sure that he’ll let you stay in one of them,” Lil said. “Cian and I stayed in one for a few months until we could get a place of our own.”

“Cian, as in the boy who followed you around town like a puppy. Let me guess, he’s followed you here too?” he asked.

“Yes, that Cian, and now, he’s my husband, so be careful about what you say next,” Lil warned.

“Are you happy, Lil?” Declan asked.

“I am,” she said, defiantly raising her chin as if challenging him to question her. He wasn’t about to do that.

“Then, I’m happy for you,” he said. “Congratulations, Lil,” he said, pulling her in for a quick hug. “How about you find out if Savage is available, Cillian, and I’ll speak to him about staying here.” It wasn’t going to be forever, and Lil was right, he couldn’t put any of his family in danger if he had led the Dead Rabbits to Savage Hell.

“Be back in a sec,” Cillian said.

“I have to talk to Savage too. Will you be good here for a few minutes?” Lil asked.

“I’m not a child,” Declan insisted. “I’ll grab a beer at the bar and wait for you both to return.”

“Sounds good,” Lil said, following Cillian to the back of the room.

Declan made his way to the bar and sat down on one of the empty stools. “Beer please,” he said to the woman behind the bar. She smiled at him and nodded, pouring him a beer.

“We only have one kind on tap here,” she said, “sorry.”

“It’s fine,” he said.

“Hey, you’re not from here,” she noted.

“What gave it away?” Declan asked.

“Well, you sound like our Prez, Lil, so I’m guessing that you’re from Ireland like her?”

“I am,” he agreed, “in fact, I’m her older brother, Declan James.”

“Good to meet you,” the woman said. “I’m Angel Desoto, but you can call me Sprite.”

“Sprite?” he asked.

“Yeah, it’s my biker name. It’s a long story, and well, we’re kind of busy right now, but I’d be happy to tell you about it later when I’m on my break.” The last thing Declan was looking for was a woman, but he supposed a quick roll in the hay might be just what he needed after a long trip. What could it hurt?

“He’d love to, but he already has plans,” a woman said from behind him. She didn’t sound American. In fact, she sounded English, and getting involved with an English she-devil wasn’t going to happen.

“I’m sorry,” he said, turning around on the barstool to find the sexiest blond he had ever seen standing behind him. She was wearing a skintight sweater and jeans that made his mouth water. “Who are you?” he asked.

The woman pulled a gun from her purse and nudged it into his side. “I’m someone you’re going to want to talk with,” she whispered into his ear.

Declan didn’t want to cause any trouble, and the woman pushing her gun into his side was definitely trouble. “Um, sorry, Sprite,” he breathed, “but, she’s right.” He downed his beer and threw down a twenty. “Have a good night.” He stood and left the bar with the sexy blond, hoping like hell that someone would report back to his brother and sister that he had left with her. Hopefully, they’d put two and two together and come up with the fact that Declan was in over his head and needed help—before it was too late.
