“You feel so good,” he moaned as he worked his way out of her pussy, only to slam back into her body. Declan took what he needed from her, and she seemed good with his every thrust. When he finally lost himself inside of her, he shouted out her name and collapsed next to her on the bed.
He thought about saying something cliche like, “That was awesome,” but he knew that Danger deserved more than empty sayings from him. “Was that okay?” he whispered, still trying to catch his breath.
She rolled over to face him and smiled, “Declan, that was better than okay. It was perfect.” She giggled and snuggled into him. “That sounds so stupid, doesn’t it?” she asked.
“No, I’m glad that you said that. I was worried about saying the wrong thing, and you took the pressure off me by saying it first,” Declan teased.
“Gee, thanks,” she drawled. “But honestly, you were wonderful, Declan,” she assured. “In fact, I think we should do it again as soon as you’re up for it,” she said.
“Pun intended?” he asked.
“Yep,” she said, giggling as he pulled her against his side. He liked this Danger—she seemed relaxed and happy. He had to admit, it was a nice change from the woman who barely spoke to him just days before. He just hoped like hell that his luck would hold, and they could stay like this, in bed, cuddled together, until their little fantasy world had to disappear, and they went home.
Waking up next to Bernadette Danger cuddled against his side every morning wasn’t a hardship. After three months of living with her, he found himself falling more and more in love with her, not that Declan planned on telling her that. He didn’t want to spook Danger and telling her that he had feelings for her would send her into a tailspin. She was focused on getting Anthony back, and he had a feeling that admitting that he was falling in love with her would have her running for the hills.
Danger rolled over next to him and stretched. “Hey,” she said, smiling at him. “Did you sleep well?” she asked.
“I did until someone started snoring,” he teased. She hated it when he told her that she snored and kept him awake. The truth was, he found it adorable. Hell, he found everything that she did to be adorable.
“I don’t snore,” she insisted, “it was probably Joe.”
“Okay, if that’s what you need to tell yourself to feel better about keeping me up all night,” he said. “So, what should we do today?” he asked.
“Oh, I don’t know,” she drawled, “how about we stay around the house and wait for news from your sister or brother?” she joked. He could tell that being cooped up in the safe house was weighing on her as much as it was him, but there was nothing that he could do about it. She was right, they were stuck in that house until they got word from Lil or Cillian. Danger’s contacts at MI6 had been pretty quiet lately and he was beginning to think that they were going to be stuck there forever, though that wouldn’t bother him if he got to wake up every morning with Danger in his bed.
“Sounds good to me,” he breathed. “Have you talked to Lil lately?” he asked. Every time he asked her that, Danger became defensive and would brush him off. He didn’t give a shit if Lil and Danger were talking and becoming friends. Honestly, he liked the idea of the two of them getting to know each other.
“No,” Danger said, “if I talked to Lil, I would have told you, right?” she asked.
“I wasn’t accusing you of not telling me that my sister has called you,” Declan defended. “Why are you so uptight about me asking you if you talked to Lil?” he asked.
“I’m not uptight,” she insisted. “I just don’t like being questioned. I’m not planning anything with your sister or doing anything behind your back.” A part of him wondered why she had used those words to defend herself. He hadn’t accused her of planning something with Lil and he certainly didn’t insinuate that she had done anything behind his back. Declan could feel that something was going on, but pressing Danger for more answers wasn’t something that he was willing to do right now. He was sure that it wouldn’t end well for him if he did.
“How about I make us some coffee?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Smooth,” Danger whispered. “I’m going to take a shower and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
“I’ll be waiting with your coffee for you,” Declan said.
“Well, then, I’ll hurry,” she said. He kissed her and grabbed his boxer briefs, slipped them on, and headed off to the kitchen, with Joe hot on his heels. The coffee maker was halfway through brewing the first pot of coffee when he heard the front door open and close. He shouted for Danger a few times, and when she didn’t answer him, he began to panic.
Declan rushed to the front door and opened the door to find his car pulling out of the garage and all he could do was watch her drive away, knowing that there wasn’t anything that he could do to stop her. He had a feeling that she had gotten intel about her brother and was going after him. Danger had lied to him and that pissed him off, but a part of him couldn’t blame her because he would have done the same thing to her if it was one of his siblings that the Dead Rabbits were holding.
Lil had called to tell her that Anthony had a price on his head, and Danger couldn’t let the Dead Rabbits kill him for money. She felt bad lying to Declan and stealing his car, but she had no choice. Bringing him along would have had her on edge and Lil promised to keep him out of it if Danger allowed her to tag along.
Danger sat down the street from the building that Lil was sure Anthony was being held in. Declan’s little sister wasn’t just an asset to her finding Anthony, she was quickly becoming one of Danger’s only friends. Letting Lilliana meet her at the building might have been a mistake, but she needed the help. Going into the Dead Rabbit’s territory without backup would have been a mistake—possibly one that might end up getting both her and Anthony killed.
Lil knocked on her car door window and Danger nearly jumped out of her skin. She lowered the window, mean mugging Lil. “You scared the hell out of me,” Danger said.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to. I didn’t think that an MI6 agent could be scared,” Lil teased. She rounded the front of the car and got into the passenger seat and smiled over at Danger. Lil was the happiest badass woman that Danger had ever met. It was one of the things that she liked the most about her.
“Well, we can. I’m already on edge about getting my brother out of there,” Danger said, nodding up the road to the building he was supposedly being held in.
“We’ve got this,” Lilliana assured. “You’ll have your brother back and we’ll get you both back to the safe house. I’m betting that Declan is pissed off that you just left, but he’ll get over it. He’s my most forgiving brother.” This was the part that Danger was trying to avoid—having to give Lil the truth. She wasn’t going to like what Danger was about to tell her, but it had to be said.
“I’m not going back to the safe house if we get Anthony out of there. We’re going home. I’ve got a place where we can lay low and I’ll keep my brother safe there,” Danger said.