Page 56 of Knot Giving Up 2

“We didn’t come this far to only come this far.” Dante’s words ring with alpha power and determination, erasing any hint of the pain he’s gotta be feeling. “Leave it all out there. Leave everything you fucking have in that pool! We’ve worked too hard for this. Each one of you has worked too damn hard for this.” He moves his shoulder almost absentmindedly, stretching his arm across his chest as he talks. “We’re down by one. One fucking point! This game is ours. Team USA baby. USA!”

Dante’s a champ. This isn’t his first Olympics or his first time playing through pain. When he, McQuinn, and Harrison were here last time, they lost the semifinal and took home bronze. He knows what it’s like to win and lose. He’s got this.

When the warning buzzer sounds, we all jump into the water and get into position, lining up at one end of the pool. Everyone looks refreshed and energized after the break. Except Meggie. Her face is scrunched, almost like she’s in pain.

“You okay?” I holler over at her.

She gives me a thumbs up. And then the buzzer sounds.



We knew we needed to be at the top of our game to beat Greece, and 20 seconds left in the fourth quarter we’re up 13-11. Greece has the ball, and I swim full speed after them, looking for an in. My body aches all over, and I feel hot and sweaty, which shouldn’t be possible. Being in the chilly pool is the beauty of water polo compared to poor marathon runners, but right now the water feels anything but cold. Did they turn up the pool’s heating?

I’ve never played this hard before. I push all of my strength into defending our goal. We’ve made it this far and have no intention of losing this game.

But it’s hard to focus.

Ten seconds left.

The alpha I’m guarding kicks out of the water, rising so high the water only comes to his knees, and takes a shot over my head at the goal. Just as I try to block, a cramp hits my lower belly, and I crumple in on myself.

McQuinn saves us, catching the ball just outside the net.

The clock ticks down, and the buzzer sounds.

We won.

We actually won!

We’re going on to the finals.

Gold or silver will be up to us.

After all of my work, everything I’ve done, all the parts of me I’ve put on hold and given up, I’ve done it. And not just on my own. It means even more that my team is with me. My pack.

The Americans in the crowd go wild, and my teammates are right there with them. Dr. Atkinson and the team staff scream their heads off from the sidelines, but Oz drowns them all out with his hollers. I’m smiling and crying at the same time. Everything I’m feeling is too much. Too strong and overpowering. The noises are too loud. My head, too hot. My body, throbbing.

I rip off my cap and let my wet hair loose under the water. It offers some relief to the burning in my cheeks, and when I lift back above the surface, I feel a little better.

We fist bump and high five the Greeks, congratulating them on a game well played as they make their way out of the pool, but I just want to get to my guys. They’re close, but they feel too far away.

My eyes lock with Harrison’s and he swims for me at full speed. My chest feels like it could explode into confetti as he comes towards me. I cling to the edge of the pool as he breaks his own rule and wraps me in his arms. Fuck, he feels good. His scent hits me right in the chest, shooting a pulse straight between my legs.

Not the time, Meggie.

“We did it!”

He’s screaming into my ear, and I scream right back. I know this is only the semifinals, and we still have a medal to fight for, but I try to cement this memory into my brain forever. The noise of the crowd, the numbers on the scoreboard, the cold water around me, and the delicious feel of Harrison’s body against mine.

I wrap my legs around him and whimper when his hard abs rub against my clit. He pulls back, his eyes wide with something other than excitement over our victory.

“Are you feeling okay?” His voice is quieter now, just for us.

“Yeah, I feel… hmmm.” I tilt my hips and grind against him. “I feel… strange.”

His hand cups my wet cheek and moves to the back of my neck. “You’re burning up.”