Page 3 of Knot Giving Up 2

McQuinn only pauses a moment before he dips his chin in a silent agreement.

“Good. Meggie, you’re on the team.”

“But… Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I’ve never been so sure about anything.

“I don’t want you to say that just because of the… emotions right now.”

“If anything, all of this should make me say no.” My laugh is dark and tinged with bitterness. “It proves I was right about the danger of being around so many alphas. And Daniel knowing what you are complicates things. It puts us all at greater risk.”

“Then why aren’t you saying no?”

I sigh and look her straight on. “Because you’re mine.”

“Ours,” Nils corrects.

“I want to give you the world, Meggie.” Unable to resist, I step closer. “I’ll fight any battle you want to fight. And I know this one matters to you. So, let’s take on the IOC. Let’s go to the Olympics. Let’s keep your secret. Let’s win gold. And let’s throw it in their faces that an omega won. I’m in. All the way in. Whatever you want, however you want to do this.”

“What about him?” Oz motions to the bastard stirring on the ground.

“Get him inside.” I crack my knuckles and glare. “I think we need to have a little chat.”



I’ve never seen Harrison like this. He’s calmed down, but only externally. He’s like a ticking bomb ready to go off again if pushed too hard.

When I saw Daniel chasing Meggie, I wanted to beat the fucker senseless just as much as Harrison did, but I won’t let another brother go to jail. Meggie needs us. She needs Harrison, even if he’s got his head up his ass and refuses to see it right now.

Thankfully, Daniel’s house is empty when we drag him inside. Meggie tells us he has roommates, but they must be out. Hopefully, they’ll fucking stay that way.

Dante and I prop Daniel up on the couch, sitting on either side of him, while Harrison sends the rest of the pack home with Meggie. She’s pretty shaken up, and I wish like hell I could go with her, but right now, this is where I need to be. Someone’s got to keep an eye on my pack mates. Harrison’s barely containing himself. And even though Dante’s anger is subtler, it’s also darker.

Daniel blinks a few times and tries to stand, but Dante and I each grab an arm and jerk him back onto the couch. This will go easier for him if he doesn’t try to fight or make a scene.

“Fucking assholes.” He yanks his arms away hard enough for Dante to flinch, since he’s holding Daniel with his bad arm. We should have switched sides, but it’s too late now. I don’t want to reveal any kind of weakness to Daniel by suggesting it.

Meggie’s bastard ex uses his free hand to touch the bruising on his face. “I’m gonna call the cops. You’re in so much fucking trouble.”

Unfazed, Harrison sits in the armchair across from us, propping his elbows on his knees like a mob boss.

“Here’s how this is going to go.” His voice is lethal. “You’re not going to tell anyone about Meggie being an omega or the real reason your face looks like shit.” Harrison circles his finger in the air like he’s outlining Daniel’s messed up face. “And we won’t tell anyone that you tried to kidnap an omega against her will.”

“Like hell! Get out of my house!” Daniel tries to stand again, but he doesn’t get anywhere.

“Do you know the penalty for kidnapping an omega?”

It’s a rhetorical question. Everyone knows that you’ll get life if you’re convicted of kidnapping an omega. A lot worse than aggravated assault. Far worse than lying to the Olympic committee.

“You actually think anyone will believe you?” Daniel has the gall to laugh. “I’m the golden boy of swimming! All they’ll know about her is that she lied about being an omega. No one will believe her if she says I tried to kidnap her. Especially since we have a well-documented past relationship. All I have to say is that she begged me to get back together with her,” his voice contorts like he’s mimicking some mockery of a female, “Please, Daniel, I never should have broken up with you. It was wrong of me to try to get into the Olympics. Take me, Daniel. Bond m—”

He doesn’t make it any farther before Harrison is on his feet, and Dante’s got his hand around the fucker’s windpipe. I can’t believe I’m the reasonable one here, but I know what jail is like. We have to be smart. We need to handle this carefully.

“We were all there,” I say to Daniel. “We’ve got six witnesses who saw you trying to drag her into your house against her will.”

“Yeah, but you’re her teammates. Of course you’ll lie for her. You’re already lying for her, if you’re really planning to take her to Paris.”