Page 19 of Bound to the Beast

A pang of empathy tugs at my heart as I imagine the pain and disappointment the pack must have felt. To have believed in someone, only to witness their descent into darkness. I swallow hard, my mind grappling with this revelation.

"He went on a rampage, declaring his separation from the pack," Morgan recounts, his voice laced with bitterness. "We managed to impose our own brand of control over him, but their pack alpha at the time, he was merciful. Adam had been his protegee, and he felt guilty for not seeing the signs of what Adam was truly capable of. So, he let him free with a warning."

I can't help but feel anger and frustration building within me. How could someone turn their back on their own kind? How could they abandon the values and responsibilities that come with being part of a pack? The questions whirl in my mind, begging for answers that may never come.

The elders' somber expressions reflect the weight of their past decisions. They had chosen to keep Adam's identity a secret, to prevent further bloodshed and protect the innocent. But now, the time for secrecy has passed. It is time to confront the darkness that lurks within our midst.

With a hasty expression of gratitude towards the council, I turn on my heel and bolt out of the den. Urgency pushes me forward as I race towards Grace. I need to find her, protect her, and reveal the truth about Adam before it's too late.

I’ve remembered where I’d heard the name before. Grace mentioned it. He works with her!

With a renewed sense of purpose, I turn and sprint towards the exit, my heart pounding in my chest. The path ahead is uncertain, and the dangers are real, but I know that I must face them head-on. For Grace’s sake, for the sake of our pack, and for the sake of all those who have suffered at the hands of Adam Straker.

As I leave the den, my responsibilities settle upon my shoulders. The confrontation ahead will be treacherous, but I’m prepared to face it. With every step I take, my determination grows stronger, fueled by the love I have for Grace, the desire to prove myself and my loyalty to the pack.

The chase has begun, and as the wind whips through my hair, I can't help but wonder what will happen when I see Adam? I’m ready to confront the darkness and bring an end to Adam's reign of chaos. Whatever fate has in store for me, I’m ready for it.



Shakily, I reach the parking lot, looking behind me all the while. Adam has never scared me before, but his demeanor in the office was different. Menacing somehow.

I rummage through my bag for my keys. “Come on, come on,” I say frantically. My hand hits the bottom of the bag and still no keys. Where are they?

Horror floods me when I realize I left them on my desk. Should I chance it and go back for them? Or just leave my car here and get it in the morning? As I stand there going over my options, I spy Adam leaving the building by the side entrance. I quickly duck behind my car. Luckily, I’d parked on the left side of the building, and he couldn't see me from where he was.

Releasing a huge sigh of relief, I crouch down and quickly make my way back to the office. Knowing the elevator will take ages, I rush up the stairs into the second floor.

The office is now pitch black. Adam must have turned the lights off when he left. Still taking no chances, I see my keys and quickly grab them. The minute I turn, I hit Adam’s chest, and then all I see is black.

When I come to, I can scarcely tell where I am. A gag has been placed firmly across my mouth, making it hard to breathe.

I try to stand and realize I’ve been tied to a chair. My arms have been pulled behind me and my wrists tied together at the bottom of the backrest. My ankles have each been tied to a wheel on the chair so tightly, I think my feet have lost circulation.

Straining to see through the darkness, my eyes take some time to adjust. After a while, I start distinguishing between shadows. I realize that I’m alone, and that I’m in Don’s office. I don’t see Adam anywhere.

Where is he?

I struggle against my bindings, but all I succeed in doing is bruising my wrists. The chair rolls a bit at my movements. The noise must have alerted Adam that I’m awake, and in a flash, I see him in front of me.

Slowly, as if he has all the time in the world, Adam turns on Don’s desk lamp. I blink quickly, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness.

Adam takes one of the chairs in front of Don’s desk and spins me around to face him. Placing both palms in the arm rests, he leans toward me with a jeer.

“Well, well, well, here’s Miss Star Reporter herself, Grace Mallone… Are you ready for your feature interview?” he asks, a crazy grin on his face.

I try to speak, but the gag in my mouth makes it impossible. I can feel my mouth turning dry every time I try to respond.

“Oh, can’t talk, can you? No matter… I don’t really need to hear what you have to say,” he sneers. “You must be wondering why I’m doing this. I’ve always thought you were a snoop, always sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,” he says with a glare.

I just stare at him, confused. What is he talking about?

“For a while, I thought what you were doing was harmless. After all, you could prove nothing, and you knew nothing. No one would believe you anyway, a small-town reporter from some one-horse town. But, today… I caught a glimpse of your research, and I realized I should have put a stop to it earlier on I thought your interest was in mythology. I’ve been foolish to think your research was innocent.”

Adam leans back against his chair and steeples his hands in front of his face.

“I should have realized what you were doing, you meddlesome fool. Don’t you understand what you’ve done?” he snarls, ripping off my gag.