“Does this mean I get to take the bran?—”
“No.” I shut him down.
Two Months Later
“What ya doin’?” Mitch sneaks up behind me and rests his hands on my stomach. I’m definitely starting to show, and feeling much better now that the sickness has worn off.
“I’m writing a letter to my sister.” I shock and please him at the same time. “I think she should know that she’s getting a niece or a nephew, and I read her letter,” I confess.
“When?” Mitch takes a seat beside me looking intrigued.
“When you were helping Hunter move Annie and Naomi into their new place yesterday. I just felt like it was time.”
“You never told me.” His brows knit together.
“Well, we had a lot going on after,” I remind him, since I’ve taken the leap and let the Carsons in, there's been no going back. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t believe I spent so long hiding away from them. I like how it feels to be part of a family, it makes me even more excited for when our little one comes along.
“Ya still should have told me.” He reaches across the table and kisses me.
“I wanted to get everything straight in my head before I wrote this. I need to be strong for when the baby gets here and this is one of the final steps.” I smile at him.
“Well, I’m very proud of ya.” The smile on his face proves it.
“There's something else I need to do before I can move on.” I stand up and head to the bedroom, taking my journal from the top drawer and standing in front of him.
“Samantha told me the best way to heal was to ease up some space in my head and speak out. I didn’t want to face up to those memories, but I wanted so badly to heal so we could get closer. She suggested I write in this journal, she said once I had everything out, the control would be mine. I could decide what to do with those thoughts and memories after.” I look down at the journal in my hands.
“I could keep this forever hidden in a drawer. I could burn it. But I want to share it with you.” I lift my eyes up to his. “I need there to be someone in this world who understands me completely and I want that someone to be you. So, here.” I hand it over to him, feeling fear and relief, all at once. “This is the first chapter of my story. The one that broke me and made me lose all faith in God and humanity.”
“Everleigh.” Mitch looks down at it with tears in his eyes.
“There will be parts that are hard to get past, but knowing the story has a happy ending will get you through.” I smile at him through the happy tears that are blurring my eyes.
“I want to have a relationship with Addison, but I need to focus on our baby. I don’t want to take any steps backward, and I’m explaining that to her in the letter. I hope she understands.”
“She’ll understand, she’s just gonna be happy to hear from ya, darlin’.” He takes me in his arms and pulls me close.
“Thank you,” he whispers as his lips touch the top of my head.
“For what?” I pull away and laugh at him.
“For choosin’ me to share this with, and for lettin’ me be part of the next chapter.”
“Well, I have a feeling the next chapter is gonna be interesting.” I look down at the bump that's resting between us and smile. I’ve started to feel flutters these past few days, and it’s the most incredible feeling in the world. I can’t wait until Mitch can feel it too.
The door crashes open and when Leia bursts inside the excitement on her face tells me Savannah’s suffering is finally over.
“Please tell me she’s had it?” I sigh, knowing how uncomfortable and irritable Savannah’s been getting since she passed her due date last week.
“Oh, she had it.” Leia smiles. “And you won’t believe where.”
“Try us.” Mitch wraps his arm around my neck and pulls my back tight against him.
“At the rodeo last night.” Leia grins. “She never even made it to the hospital. She and Cole are at home with their little girl, right now. We just got back from visiting. I thought you might wanna be next.”
“At the rodeo?” Mitch chuckles.
“I know, it’s so Savannah.” Leia rolls her eyes. “I gotta get back to the car, Dalton’s due a feed, we’ll see ya later.”