Page 52 of Finding Limits

“No. I mean yes. He did, but you have to leave, you can’t be part of this.”

She looks scared and desperate, and it makes me even more curious as to what’s going on here.

“Leave? Mom, I’ve been trying to find you. I looked everywhere. I tried your sister and?—”

“I know, how do you think he found you?” She reaches up her hand and slides it over my stubbly jaw. “You’re so handsome.” She smiles proudly, as tears well in her eyes. “You’re in danger, Hunter, get on this horse and ride away from here.”

“Are you crazy? I’ve been looking for you for years, I’m not riding away from ya now. And who do I need to be afraid of?” I shake my head in confusion. Nothing she’s saying is making any sense. Her eyes are wild and fearful and when I reach out to take her hand in mine, she shakes her head.

“No, please.” I can see her focusing on something past my shoulder and when I turn around to see what it is, I’m too late. The heavy weight smashes against the back of my skull and I feel the thud as I drop to the ground.

I wake up with my head thumping, surrounded by darkness. My wrists are bound and so are my ankles, and it’s so stuffy in here that I choke.

“Help!” I scream out, trying to piece together what just happened. Did I really see my mom here at Copper Ridge, or was it something that my mind thought up while I was out cold? “Can someone help?” I call, fidgeting against the ropes and trying to find a way to get free.

The door eventually opens and I look up at the tall, large man that towers over me.

“Keep the noise down, boy,” he warns.

“How about untie me?” I stare up at him, wondering who the hell he is. He’s dressed the same kinda way she was, in a loose white shirt with suspenders on.

“I can’t do that, not until I know I can trust you.” He takes a seat on one of the crates in the corner and keeps his eyes focused on me.

“Where’s Everleigh?” he growls at me.

“What do you want with her?” I narrow my eyes at him. I may not know Everleigh all that well, but she’s sweet-natured and only just healing from everything she’s suffered. That, and the fact that Mitch is clearly in love with her makes me feel the urge to protect her.

“She’s to join us on our journey and we must leave soon. But first, I need to know I can trust you.”

“Trust me? You got me tied up,” I point out to him.

“Everything my father built was destroyed, but I am the resurrection. The Lord speaks to me now and I’m leading this family on a new path.”

“I want to speak to my mom,” I tell him, I know now that it was real. This asshole in front of me is clearly from the cult Everleigh was rescued from and now I know they’re here to take her on this journey, I need to enlist some help.

“You will in good time, but I can’t have you fight me on this, Hunter. My father was wrong in having you sent away. You have always belonged with us, and I want you to be part of our uprising. There is a settlement across the border, one that will welcome us. They need men, strong men like me and you. You can take wives of your own.”

“What?” I shake my head at him wondering if I’m hearing him right. “I don’t want a wife. I’m happy here and so is Everleigh, so you can make your journey to the promised land by yourself.”

“No.” He stands up. “You must follow your true path. You're coming with us.” Storming out, he slams the door behind him and I press my head back against the wall, trying to think of a way out of this.

I need to get a warning to Mitch, this guy is here for Everleigh and right now all the women are back at the ranch, unprotected. There's barely any light in here but I shift myself about and feel around for something that might help free me. I have no idea where I am or how far away the ranch is, but I have to try and do something.

The door opens again and this time the woman who I saw down by the stream steps inside.

“Hunter.” Mom smiles as she kneels on the floor in front of me.

“What's going on? Is he holding you too? Forcing you to go with him to that place?” I ask her

“No, I belong to Solomon now, he’s my husband.” The smile is still fixed on her face as if that's a good thing.

“Mom, none of this is right, you have to let me go. I have to get some help for Everleigh. She’s happy here.”

“He’s already left to get her. Today’s his best chance, he’s been watching, he knows that all the men are away from the big house so he’s going to find out where he can find Everleigh, from the women they left behind.” I can tell from the guilt on her face that she knows this is wrong. I also know that Everleigh is at the ranch. I just don’t know what lengths that man will go to, to get her.

“Mom, you can’t let this happen, you have to untie me. Let me help her,” I beg, hoping she can see how wrong all this is.

“I never wanted to give you away.” She slides her hand through my hair and smiles sadly. “I pleaded and prayed that I could keep you.”