Page 50 of Finding Limits

“I don’t know about that.” I shake my head and laugh.

“I do. You're an incredible man, you only have to see the way those Carson brothers look at you. You need to remember I talk to the girls, now. You are loved by so many people, and whether Hunter is blood or not, he’s become one of them.”

I grab my girl's face and kiss her. Her attempts to find the good in every situation are endearing and damn adorable.

“And do ya know how loved you are?” I stand up, taking her with me as I head toward the bedroom because suddenly, I got a real urge to show her.

“And you're sure you're going to be okay?” Mitch checks, his eyebrows creasing up with worry.

“I’ll be fine, I’m probably just a little nervous for you.” I smile up at him and nod my head. We’re in the middle of the yard and all the couples are saying goodbye to each other, the last thing I want is for Mitch to make a fuss.

“You don’t have to be nervous for me, darlin’, this is the shit I live for.” He kisses me in front of everyone, leaving me blushing when he pulls away.

“We’ll be back by nightfall.” He winks. “You take care of my girl.” He points his finger at Savannah as he jumps up on his horse.

“I gotcha.” She comes over and wraps her hand around my shoulder.

“What’s he so worried about?” She speaks under her breath.

“Nothing, I’m fine. I just got a little dizzy this morning when I got out of bed. You know how he can be.” I stand with the girls and wave the men off, and there's a real buzz of excitement in the air. The men clearly love doing what they do, and I’m told after a cattle drive the Carson ranch party hard.

As soon as the men are out the gates, Maisie turns to us all, “Let the fun begin.” She wiggles her eyebrows as she leads us all inside. I’m told by Savannah that the girls have made it their tradition to spend cattle run days together. They make enough food to feed an army when the cowboys return, and the drinks flow freely. I’ve never really drank alcohol before but I’m prepared to give it a try, like I am most things these days.

Leia's little sister minds the little ones in the living room while me, Leia, Savannah, and Maisie take to the kitchen and get started on the feast for later.

“It may seem like a lot, but you’d be surprised how much those cowboys can eat after a run. I need to find the big pot.” Maisie scrambles through the cupboard in search of it, and when Savannah takes a seat at the breakfast bar next to me and crunches her teeth through a pickle I feel my stomach roll.

“Excuse me.” I quickly rush out the kitchen before I throw up. Leia’s sister kindly directs me to the bathroom and I only just make it to the toilet before I spew.

“Shit.” I roll my eyes. I knew I was coming down with something, I’ve felt it coming on for a few days, and now I could have spread it to everyone here. I wait until I’m sure I’m done before standing up and patting some water on my face. Then I check my reflection before opening the door to head downstairs to ask for a lift home. I almost jump out of my skin when I see Savannah waiting on the other side of the door with a suspicious look on her face.

“You got something you want to share?” She crosses her arms over her stomach and tips her head to one side.

“I must be coming down with something, I thought it was just nerves building up, but?—”

“Oh, come on, we both know what this is.” She shakes her head and laughs. “Way to go, Mitch.”

“Savannah, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I stare back at her.

“You’re dizzy, you threw up because of my pickle. I know the signs.” The smile on her face keeps getting wider.

“Wait, you think I’m…? Oh, no. I can’t be.”

“Believe me, here you will be. I swear they put something in the water.”

“No, seriously. I can’t… I can’t have children. It was something that was done to me at the village.” I feel the heavy weight of reality sink into my stomach.

“And you're sure?” Savannah frowns.

“Positive, I was pregnant once before and…” I tear up real quick because now's not the time to be talking about this, not in a home so full of love and happiness.

“So, answer me this, are you and Mitch being careful?” She still doesn’t seem convinced.

“Savannah, you’re not hearing me. We don’t have to be careful because there is no chance of me getting pregnant. Solomon made sure of it.”

“Come with me.” She grabs my wrist and drags me down the stairs so fast I don’t have time to protest.

“Me and Everleigh are running back to my place. I’m sure I borrowed the big pot last week,” she calls through to the kitchen as she rushes us out the front door and toward her car.