Page 41 of Finding Limits

“Savannah was telling me that there's a bake sale at the church on Sunday. I thought I’d send a contribution.”

“Well, that’s kind of ya.” I move straight for her, picking her up and landing her on the kitchen surface. Then I kiss her like I’ve been wanting to all day.

“You and Savannah discuss anything else?” I raise my eyebrow at her.

“Of course. I told her that I absolutely agree that those burgers were to die for.” She teases me with her nose and then giggles when I tickle her ribs. Anyone looking at her right now would never know that she was treated so terribly and I wish Jimmer could be here to see how far she’s come.

“You don’t mind that we talk, do you?” She creases her forehead like she’s suddenly become concerned.

“Of course, I don’t mind. I think it’s nice you have a friend. Hopefully, that will extend to the other girls too.” I kiss her some more because I can’t get enough of her lips.

“I was also thinking, maybe you should invite Hunter here for dinner. You can’t really get to know him while you're working, and I’d like to meet him.” She smiles up at me and I fall a little bit harder.

“I think that's a great idea.” I suddenly realize that I’ve purposely been avoiding him today. It’s not because I don’t want him around. I just have no idea what to say, or how to make up for all that lost time. But Everleigh’s right, he should come here and we should be getting to know each other better.

“Great, we’ll have corn dogs and I’ll make homemade burgers.” She looks infectiously excited and when I lift her up off the work surface and carry her toward the bedroom, her eyes glisten with even more of it.

“I’ve missed you today.” I lay her down on the mattress and hang my hat on the bedpost.

“I really missed you too.” She looks up at me expectantly and when I drop to my knees and slip the dress that she’s wearing up her thighs, I slide my tongue over the skin I expose.

“Mitch.” She holds it down, preventing me from pushing it up past her waist.

“What?” I hold back, worrying that I’ve done something wrong.

“I took my top off last night because it felt unfair to hide it from you. You don’t have to look at it every time.” She shakes her head sadly, putting a wedge in my throat and digging a splinter into my heart.

“You don’t get it, do ya?” I slide up from the floor so my body hovers over hers, then sliding her dress further up her body I reveal each scar and mark that fucker put on her. “I love every single part of you, these included. Sure, I hate how ya got ‘em, but each one of these…” I trail them with my fingertips as she holds her breath. “Are evidence of how strong you are. You survived each day and now I’m gonna make sure it was worth it. These scars make me more and more in awe of ya, and I never want ya to be ashamed of them again.” I finish sliding the dress all the way over her head, unclasping her bra and slipping it over her shoulder, then taking her tits in my hands I squeeze at them gently. She looks up at me and smiles as she reaches between us and slides her fingers into my waistband, rubbing her palm against my hard cock and making me even more desperate to be inside her.

I get straight to work unbuckling my belt and forcing my jeans off, then letting my heavy cock rest against her stomach so she can continue to slide her palm over my shaft.

“You do that so fuckin’ well,” I growl, hanging my head into her neck so I can look down and watch.

Her scars don’t seem to matter to her anymore, she’s too focused on our connection.

“You wanna feel me inside ya, darlin’?” I check, lifting both her legs over one of my shoulders so I can slide her panties up over her ankles.

She lies back on the mattress and nods at me, and I wonder if she knows that she’s taken my whole world and turned it on its head. I wonder if she knows that every breath I take now seems to be for her. This beautiful, broken girl, with scars on the inside and out, has become the start and end of my world, along with everything in between. My purpose in the life I've been given is to make her forget every awful thing that happened before me.

“Okay, sweetheart.” I twist my head to kiss her ankle, keeping my arm anchored around both her thighs as I slip my cock inside her. We both make the same relieved sound as I fill up her tight, little channel. Her legs are high on my shoulder, forced together, making it feel as if she's squeezing me inside her. She must feel so full, but the moans she’s making are all outta pleasure. I love how it feels to be the one consuming her.

“You look adorable takin’ my cock,” I tell her, guiding her hips and thrusting a little harder, “So fuckin’ pretty, it hurts.” I kiss the foot that’s resting beside my ear as I glide my hand up her smooth, milky legs and clasp her ankles together tightly. “I’m so proud of how far you’ve come,” I whisper, wishing she could know just how much.

I release her legs, allowing them to fall apart and take up the space between them with my body, remaining inside her and taking one of her rose-colored nipples to my mouth. I suck it hard and flick it with my tongue, loving the way her body responds. Tiny sparks of thrill flickers in her eyes as I roll my hips deeper and deeper into hers and when her nails dig into my back, I reach over my shoulder to pull the shirt off over my head so we’re skin-to-skin. She looks between us, watching how my cock slips in and out of her.

The look on her face suggests she’s proud of herself. I’ll bet there was a time when she thought this would be impossible too. I don’t know who the fuck I have to thank for bringing us together despite us being worlds apart, but there can be no more doubt and no more confusion. This is right, our pasts don’t matter, our ages are insignificant. She’s the piece of the puzzle that I never knew I was missing and it suddenly dawns on me that after all these years of protecting myself, I’ve fallen completely and mercifully in love, and there's no climbing back from it.

The past few days I’ve been floating on a cloud, me and Mitch have spent all our free time exploring each other's bodies, and the past has never felt so far away. I can sense an unease in him this morning though, and when I finish tidying up after breakfast I’m shocked and almost knocked off my feet when he comes out of the bedroom wearing a suit.

“Wow.” I look him up and down and wonder how it's possible to be that handsome. It seems he can pull off any look he wants.

“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it,” he growls miserably as he uses the mirror to straighten his tie.

“Is going to church what's got you in such a bad mood?” I ask him, unable to resist moving over to him to be closer.

“I ain’t in a bad mood.” He frowns at me and when I raise my eyebrow at him he sighs. “Okay, I hate church.” He shrugs, moving away from the mirror and over to his chair so he can polish his shoes. I perch on the end of the couch beside him and wait for him to tell me why.

“Don’t get lookin’ at me like that, I know your appreciation for the man upstairs, and just because I don’t say my prayers or go to church every Sunday and sing my lungs out, don’t mean I ain’t got it either. I just don’t. Like. Church.” He puts all his aggression into his polishing.