Page 9 of Finding Limits

“It’s fine, boss, I get it. I’m new.” Hunter looks a little embarrassed but still determined. “I’ll get the hang of it, sir, I promise.”

“They teach ya how to saddle up?” I ask.

“Yeah, I can do that,” he assures me.

“Saddle up that stallion over there.” I nod my head over to the other side of the stable. “He’s calm, he’s gentle, he’s perfect to learn on.”

“On it, boss.” Hunter gets straight to work while I grab my tack and start saddling up JD.

I keep my eye on the boy for the best part of the day, he wasn’t lying when he said he can pick things up quickly, it’s barely past noon before he looks competent on the saddle.

I try not to be distracted by what happened last night, and how good it felt after all this time to touch Everleigh. There was definitely something between us, something I shouldn’t contemplate because it can't be real. I can’t get wrapped up in whatever that something might be. This girl knows no better, her only experiences come from the life she had back in that village. One day soon she’s gonna find herself. She’s gonna wanna move on and see what the world has to offer her. I made it this far in my life with my heart still intact, I ain’t about to let it break now.

Ihear my mom crying before the door to my room swings open with force.

“You're needed, girl.” The elder who steps into my room, grabs me and drags me from my bed. It’s cold and all I have covering my body is my cotton nightgown. I have nothing on my feet, but he doesn’t seem to care as he shoves me out the front door, causing me to fall onto the gravel outside.

“Abraham is waiting for you in the chapel,” my father tells me, keeping his head low. He’s refusing to make eye contact with me or my mother, who is beating his arm with her fists and begging him to make them stop.

“Control your woman, Thomas.” The elder lifts me off the ground by my armpits and then pushes me in the back to force me forward. It leaves me no choice but to head toward the chapel that's built in the center of our village.

Two men stand either side of the doors, both holding lit torches, and as I pass them I shudder because I know whatever waits for me inside can’t be good. Earlier today, our leader killed my sister’s friend in front of the entire village. I wept for him, maybe that's why I’m here. I step through the door and when I look up to the altar I see our great leader, my sister’s husband, laid out flat on the platform. He’s so still and pale that I wonder if he’s dead.

“Step closer, child,” he calls out to me, proving that he’s alive. With dread leaking into my stomach I do as he commands.

My palms are sweating and my heart is beating out of my chest because I know what’s coming. It’s not unheard of for God to command a man to take one of his wives’ sisters as his own. Abraham may already have three wives but as our leader, he is the man above all men. God speaks directly to him, and I’m here because he’s chosen me.

“Your sister escaped me tonight,” he croaks, and a lump wedges in my throat and nearly chokes me when I take in what he says. It’s a shock, but at the same time, I have to try not to show how happy it makes me. All her life, Addison has wondered what life is like beyond the village. I guess she’s finding out. I must pray that she remains pure of its temptations.

“She ran, but not before she tried to kill me.” I can see how angry he is and suddenly his reason for lying down is clear. Addison did this to him.

“I hope you are okay, sir,” I lie, as I stand beside him and imagine how scared Addison must’ve been to strike. She may have been curious of it, but she knows life beyond the gates is dangerous. She must have faced some horrors if she believed it was a better option than here.

“I shall recover, but your sister's sins must be punished,” he tells me, clutching his side as he speaks.

“Please don’t hurt her.” I drop to my knees and beg him. Elders are the only ones who ever leave the village, the thought of them out there hunting her down makes me sick with worry.

“She won’t be harmed, not while I have you.” He smiles as he takes my wrist in his cold, wrinkly hand and holds me firm.

“You shall be her replacement, you shall replenish her sins in her absence and you will serve me,” he explains, making the terror inside me spread through my veins and turn my blood cold.

Rough arms grip me from behind and start dragging me away. I try to scream but fear clasps around my throat and cuts off any noise.

“I’ll be seeing you, Everleigh,” Abraham promises.

The cold bites my skin as the two men carry me across the village, one of them holding his hand over my mouth so I can’t scream for help. I fight and thrash against them, trying desperately to get away. Maybe I could escape too. The world outside may be unknown and frightening, but it has to be better than this. Now I know why Father couldn't look at me, he’s an elder too, he knew what was happening tonight and he wasn't prepared to fight for me.

I see Abraham’s son, Solomon, standing by their house holding a lantern. When I see that the doors that lead down into the bunker are open beside him, I fight even harder to get free.

Solomon has always given me the creeps. I caught him cutting open a pretty, white bird once, while it was still alive. He had it pinned by its wings and I saw the pleasure he had on his face as he slowly sliced through its feathers to open up its guts.

Sometimes I’ve noticed him look at me the same way as he did that bird, and it makes my stomach roll.

“I’ll take it from here.” He snatches my arm and starts dragging me down the stairs, and when the lantern lights up the cold, damp walls I swear I see splatters of blood on them. There's only dirt for ground down here and when he places me in the corner, I slump weakly onto the floor when my legs give in.

“Your sister made a mistake tonight, little dove,” Solomon slides his fingers through my hair and makes me shudder. Moma always told me it would probably be him who I’m given to and the thought has always made me sick. “Your sister fucked it up for us both. You were gonna be mine, Everleigh, and I was gonna treat you good,” he whispers.

“Please, Solomon,” I beg him, praying that if he does care about me he might fix this.