Page 62 of Finding Limits

“Thanks for letting us know,” I call after her as she rushes back out the door, and when I look over my shoulder at Mitch and smile hopefully, he sighs.

“Come on, let's go meet her.” He grabs his keys

Savannah doesn’t look at all as if she’s just given birth when we get to their cabin. She’s in bed holding her little girl and looking as radiant as ever.

“Congratulations.” I bend over to take a look at the new edition while Mitch shakes Cole’s hand.

“How was it?” I ask nervously.

“Awful,” Cole answers first. “It just happened so fast and then boom, she was here.”

“You did a great job, honey.” Savannah taps his arm sarcastically.

“It wasn’t quite that fast, but honestly, it wasn't that bad. Once I calmed him down.” She smiles at me and makes me feel a little better about what I have coming. “D’ya wanna hold her?” she asks.

“Of course, I do.” I sit on the mattress beside her and let her place her precious, little bundle in my arms.

“Savannah, she’s beautiful.” I look down at her, noting how she has Savannah’s chin and Cole’s nose. I can’t help wondering what features of us mine and Mitch's baby will have when they get here.

“You got a name for her yet?” Mitch asks, peering over my shoulder to take a look for himself.

“Still undecided.” Cole looks at his wife and smiles

“Screw you, I pushed her into the world, so it’s my choice. Her name’s Evie,” Savannah tells us.

“You told me you wanted Beyoncé.” Cole looks stunned and very relieved.

“Baby, you should know by now that I like to keep you on your toes. You liked Evie and she looks like a little Evie. We can call the next one Beyoncé.” She winks at me.

“That’s beautiful.” I stroke my finger over baby Evie’s cheek.

There's a knock at the door and when Hunter steps through it, he loiters awkwardly with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

“Garrett said she’d arrived. These are for you.” He passes them over to Savannah before scratching the back of his head.

“You want to hold her, Hunter?” Savannah offers.

“Oh no, no. You can’t trust these hands with something as delicate as a baby.” He laughs.

“He’s right,” Cole quickly intervenes.

“I just wanted to say congratulations and bring ya the flowers. I’m grateful to ya all for what you’ve done for me and Mom. I know we’re not family, but you’ve sure as hell treated us like it.” He smiles that awkward smile again before he backs up to leave.

“Hey, where ya goin’?” Cole calls him back.

“I figured you and your brothers will be celebrating so there’ll be extra chores to do back at the ranch. I’ll?—”

“We’re all gonna be celebratin’. You included.” Cole makes his way around the bed and lifts his little girl out of my arms. “I want this little girl to have as many uncles, who know how to shoot straight, as she can get.” He looks down at her lovingly.

“You don’t have to be blood to be family, just loyal.” He looks back up at Hunter who nods his head.

“Guess I better learn how to shoot straight then, huh?” The grin on his face makes us all laugh and after checking Savannah has everything she needs, we leave her to rest for a few hours before the homecoming party, for baby Evie, starts back at the ranch.

“Do you care what we have?” I ask Mitch as he drives us home.

“‘Course I don’t mind, whatever we have it’ll be perfect.” He reaches his hand across the console to pat my stomach proudly.

“Seeing her today just makes everything seem so real, we’re gonna have one of those soon.” I slide my hand over his to keep it there. I love how it feels when Mitch touches me now, it’s a comfort and I can’t believe I spent so long fearing it.