Page 12 of Finding Limits

“Don’t you think that's in poor taste?” Noah sniggers, his eyes flicking down to the head, and we all look shocked when Garrett grabs him by the shirt and pins him to the cabin wall.

“You think this is funny? My wife opened that fuckin’ package.” I can see the rage in his eyes, how his hands tremble, and I know from past experience that there ain’t no limits to his anger.

“Garrett.” I step in before things get outta hand, I also keep my eyes on Cole as he paces the steps in front of him. Hell knows what's going through his mind.

“Who do ya think it is?” I slowly ease Garrett down and give Noah a warning look over my shoulder. He straightens himself out and smirks as he backs down.

“Ain’t it obvious? Things have been quiet around here, now Mason’s sister has moved her family into that ranch, we get this. I swear she knows what we did to her brother and nephews.”

“She can only speculate, there ain’t no evidence.” Wade shakes his head.

“Well, speculation is clearly enough for her. Bucky Hall was refusin’ to move from his homestead, his land is smack bang in the middle of the plans for that new freeway the council is trying to get passed. If they get permission that land value is gonna skyrocket. Stubborn old bastard wasn’t ever gonna let a road be built through his home and I can assure you all, he would never sell to a Mason. He told me that himself.” Garrett stares at what's left of him with a hint of sadness in his eyes. “She did this, she killed him so she could purchase his land, and she sent that as a warnin’ to us.” He points to the head.

“Well, if that’s the case, she’s an idiot. You’re the fuckin’ mayor now,” Noah reminds him, and I can see by the look on Garrett’s face that he didn’t want a reminder of that fact.

Garrett Carson ain’t the kind of man who likes attention, he’s a simple man, a hard worker who ain’t afraid to do what's necessary. Harvey Marston turned all that around when he showed up in town a few months ago and started making his demands. His organization needed someone like Garrett to be in control and although my boss ain’t one who usually takes orders, he will do anything for the town he raises his family in. If Garrett hadn't taken the seat, Harvey would have found someone who would, and it’s better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

“That ain’t gonna make a difference. That woman has vengeance in mind. I saw that in the sadistic smile she gave me in chapel last week.”

“Come on, Garrett, she was just introducin’ herself.” Wade tries to play it down.

“She knows we killed her brother and nephews and she’s out for blood.” Garrett grips the porch rail with both hands and lowers his head between them.

“So what do we do about it?” I ask, trying to keep him focused.

“We do nothin’, not until I’ve sussed her out. She’s only been in town a few weeks, she’s already kicked her own nephew outta his home. So we know she’s ruthless and ruthless people usually end up makin’ mistakes.” He turns his head back to look at me, and I can tell by the look on his face that he’s back in control. “Tate and Finn, I need you to go speak to Joe Mason, find out everythin’ you can about his aunt, anythin’ he can tell us could be useful.” He sends them off.

“Wait, didn’t Joe inherit the ranch?” Sawyer looks surprised.

“Nope, his daddy cut him outta the will because he’s a homophobic cunt.” Garrett lights himself a smoke and takes a long, deep breath. “Not that Joe cares, he didn’t want the place anyway. Him and Dexter got themselves a homestead on the border of town which suits him nicely. I’ll bet he’s about as happy to see his aunt show up as we are.”

“Noah, I need you and your boys to get rid of that.” Garrett points his cigarette toward the head, before taking a seat on the porch step and massaging his temple.

“You wanna tell me what's up?” I take a seat next to him, sensing that something's off, other than the severed head. Garrett’s had far more than this to contend with in the past and he’s not let it get to him.

“She shouldn’t have had to see that.” He shakes his head.

“No, she shouldn’a but she did, and you’ll be there for her. That girl of yours is made of strong stuff.”

“I just feel like I’m on a treadmill, one problem gets fixed then another one shows up.”

“Ain’t that the Carson way?” I smack him on the back, and just as I’m about to rise to my feet, I hear a horse come up behind me and I quickly spin around.

“Hunter, what ya doin’ out here?” I ask, suddenly very aware of the fact Noah has Bucky Hall’s head on full display

“You told me to practice, me and Blaze must have done eight miles and som—” The kid's face turns gray when he sees the head swingin’ by its hair in Noah’s fist, and then he starts to gag.

“What’s up? Ain't ya ever seen a rottin’ head before?” Noah tosses it at him and when his hands automatically reach out to catch it, he throws it in the air in disgust and falls off his saddle. Zayne and Sawyer chuckle and although Cole and Garrett remain serious, I notice Wade trying hard not to laugh with ‘em.

“This ain’t a fuckin’ joke.” Cole turns around and narrows his eyes. “Bucky Hall was a good man, you show him some respect.” His head turns to Hunter who’s now on his feet, hunched over and gagging by his horse's back legs.

“You’re new round here, ain’t ya?” Garrett steps closer to him and as Hunter stands up straight and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, I see the fear in his eyes.

“You wanna take a ride again and head in the other direction, what goes on at this line camp is the business of branded men. And what ya saw here today…” Garrett crouches down and picks Bucky’s head up from the floor, dusting off the top of his gray hair. “You forget about.” He passes it back to Noah. “Ya understand me, boy?”

“Yes, sir.” Hunter nods and when he attempts to get back on his saddle, his foot slips from the stirrup. The color quickly returns to his cheeks, flaming red as he makes his second attempt, this time managing to lift himself up, Then Cole slaps Blaze on his ass to send him on his way.

“You think he needs a firmer warnin’?” Cole cracks his knuckles as he watches him ride off.