“Fuck, fuck fuck.” I hear him cursing under his breath as he sets to work opening the back doors and loading the man who I just killed into the back.
“It's okay. Don’t worry. I’ll figure it out,” he tells me, getting behind the wheel and starting the engine.“It’s going to be okay,” he keeps repeating as he drives down the narrow alley that runs between the derelict buildings. I figure it’s to avoid passing the club entrance and being seen.
His eyes remain fixed on the road when we get onto the main street but I can see his hands shaking as they grip the wheel.
“What are we gonna do Kane?” I can barely force my voice out as I look back at the body in the back and my stomach rolls.
“Just let me think,” he snaps.
“There was blood all over the floor, they’ll notice it as soon as it’s light.” I wipe my hand over my face and when I feel his blood still sticking to my skin I burst into tears.
“Stop that. Don’t you dare lose your shit. We have to think about this. Did anyone see you back there?” he checks, driving frantically and skipping a red light.
“A few, in the clubhouse, maybe, definitely one. I was asking for you. A letter came to the house saying that Billy was being released and I panicked. I needed to be with you.”
“It doesn’t matter about fucking Billy.” Kane slams his hand against the wheel in rage. “You just killed a club member. Do you know what that fuckin’ means?”
“That I’m going to jail.” I cry into my hands, this time not caring about the blood.
“No Pey, you ain’t going to jail. The Reapers wouldn’t let you. Blood for blood, that's how they work and you gotta get your ass out of this town before they put two and two together and figure this was you. They won’t notice the blood till the morning but I’m guessing Malice’s bike is at the club so they will be wondering where he went without it.”
He pulls up outside the garage where he works and gets out of his seat. I watch him march inside and come back out with a set of keys.
“Here.” He opens my door and places them in my hand before dragging me out and leading me to a banged-out car that’s parked on the other side of the parking lot.
“We can’t just take this car, Kane, you’ll lose your job.”
“It’s my car, I bought it a few months ago.” He pops the trunk and I’m shocked at what I see.“There’s water, two sleeping bags, and a few sets of clothes. The gas tank’s full and there's 150 dollars cash and a burner phone in the glove box, but only use that if it’s an emergency.”
“Kane, what's all this for?” I stare at him confused.
“I always figured Billy would get out or Dad would come looking for us. I had to have an escape plan. Now, you need to get in this car and drive the hell away from here.” He opens the driver’s door for me.
“What about you, you can come with me.”
“I can’t, I gotta stay here and get rid of him.” He looks back toward the van, “I gotta make sure they never suspect you.”
“Kane, I can’t go without you, I’m too scared. We’ve never been apart. I need you.” I start crying again which I know isn’t helping. But what he’s suggesting is crazy.
“You need me here more. Pey, they will hunt you down like dogs. Now get out of here, go home, get showered, and hit the road as fast as you can. Do not look back and don’t try to contact me. I know the number for the phone, you wait until you hear from me.” He pulls me onto him and hugs me tight.
“I love you Pey, and I promise I’ll figure this out.” He forces me into the car and slams the door. I start the engine as he races to get back in the truck and when I place my hands on the steering wheel and see the blood that covers them I know my life will never be the same again.
Ilisten to her moaning in her sleep, tossing and turning around like she’s in some kinda pain and when she screams so loud that it pierces my ears, instinct takes over my sanity and I move toward her. I don’t know what to do, or how to comfort her, so I slip into the space beside her and slide my arm under her body. Then, dragging her closer I clutch her head to my chest.
“It’s okay, you're just having a dream,” I whisper into the top of her head, my hand automatically starting to stroke through her hair. She’s shaking, covered in sweat and I can feel the heat that comes from her skin burning against mine. She takes me off guard when she turns around, wrapping her arms around the trunk of my body, and clinging to me tight as her breathing starts to regulate.
“It's okay, whatever it was you're not there now.” I remind her, and when she lifts her head and looks up at me I cuss myself for finding such beauty in her fear.
“You okay?” I check, watching the way her bottom lip trembles, and still wondering what it would be like to kiss it. She nods her head but I don’t buy it.
“You want me to stay here with ya?” I ask, narrowing my eyes and wondering why I want her answer to be yes so badly. She nods her head again and so I stay put, holding her close and letting her cling to me till she falls back to sleep.
“Morning.” I take the pan off the gas stove and serve up the eggs I’ve cooked for her when she starts to stir. She seems a little startled by her surroundings when she first opens her eyes and when she sits up and stretches, my dick automatically reacts when her tee rises up and shows off her tight stomach.
“Ya hungry?” I place her plate down on the table and when she nods her head and smiles I watch as she climbs outta bed and takes a seat at the table.
“Do you serve all the women who stay here breakfast before you send them on their way?” She sniggers.