I check the phone that Raze bought me a few days ago and message Alicia. I’m sure I won’t have to try too hard to persuade her to come hang out, she hasn’t admitted it to me yet but I’m sure she has a huge crush on Vike.
I pull on some denim cut-offs and head toward the balcony, smiling politely at Rocco and Saul as I pass them on my way up the stairs.
“Peyton.” Saint comes out the side door just as I’m about to step inside and when his eyes automatically drop down to my tits he immediately turns his head in a different direction.
“Are you, erm... Ya lookin’ for Prez?” He keeps his focus on the galvanized wall to avoid looking at me.
“Not really, I’m sure he’s busy. I just came up here to get a drink. It’s getting warm out here.”
“Yeah, you're hot… I mean it’s hot. Out here.” He stumbles on his words as he rushes past me and I chuckle to myself as I walk into the clubhouse.
“Hey, Polly.” I take a seat on one of the barstools and watch her get straight to work, fixing me an iced tea. She’s looking distant as she places it in front of me.
“You okay?” I check, apart from Alicia she’s about the only woman who speaks to me around here. I know some of the members still see her as a whore, but she’s way more than that. This place seems to be getting busier during the day and it’s her that's keeping the bar stocked and the kitchen running.
“Not really.” She shakes her head and looks toward the door where I assume all the brothers are talking through their plans.
“Sonny in there?” I ask, certain that this is about his request to go with them on the run. He’s her kid and I guess it's natural for her to be worried. Mom was always worrying about us. She did everything in her power to try and put Kane off following in our dad’s footsteps. She’d be devastated if she knew it was all for nothing.
“I know I’m being overprotective and that Raze will look out for him.”
I wonder what makes her so sure about that, is it the fact that he’s the leader or something more personal?
“Of course, he will.” I place my hand over hers to give her some reassurance.
“Whoa!” Ruckus stops in his tracks when he strolls through the door, closing his eyes and then opening them again. “Does Raze know ya…here…dressed like that?” Just like Saint, he doesn’t seem to know where to put his eyes, and when the door to the meeting room opens and Raze steps out he immediately raises his eyebrow when he sees me.
“Oh, I don’t think so.” He shrugs the shirt he’s wearing off his shoulders and wraps it around mine, snarling over his shoulder at the brothers behind him while I slide my arms through the sleeves.
“What’s the problem, everyone else around here dresses like this,” I point out, there may not be any of the girls in here right now, but half the time they don’t wear anything on their top half.
“No one else around here belongs to me,” he tells me, tying the front of his shirt up around my waist.
“There.” He nods, looking satisfied with his handy work.
“Peyton.” Alicia comes rushing through the door, smiling at Raze before she drags me over to the side of the room.
“Please tell me you have a tampon,” she whispers, looking panicked, especially when she sees Vike step out the meeting room.
“ I might have one in my car, go to the bathroom and I’ll go check.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” She rushes to the bathroom and when I head for the door, I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and tug me back.
“Where d’ya think you’re goin’?” Raze asks me, with a very serious look on his face.
“To my car to get something for Alicia.”
“What kinda somethin’?” He questions pulling me real close so our lips are almost touching.
“A lady kinda something, you wanna come with me?” I smile, loving how protective he gets over me.
“No, just don’t take too long. I wanna get back to our time alone.” He kisses my lips before releasing me.
When I get to my car I open the trunk and go through one of the bags Kane had put together. I remember thinking about how thoughtful it was that he packed tampons, and when I locate the box, I take one out and slide it into my pocket. Once I’ve closed the trunk back down I stare through the rear view window at the glove compartment and think about the phone that’s in there. I’ve been so selfish since I came here. I never did make that call that I promised Dad I would and for all I know Kane could have been trying to get hold of me.
Checking around the yard, I make sure I’m alone before I open the front passenger door and flip the glove compartment open. My hands start shaking as I take out the phone and switch it on to see if Dad or Kane have tried to get in touch. There must still be a little battery left because it comes on and seeing that there's a message from Dad waiting for me gives me an unexpected comfort.
We never had anything to do with him growing up. Mom never wanted us near the club, and he’d choose them over us. But I have to be grateful to him for one thing. Him telling me to come here wasn’t just a good idea, it was a life-changing one.