Page 23 of Raze

“You did,” she stands up from the table and stretches her arms above her head, lifting the shirt she’s got on just high enough for me to see the pink, lace panties she’s wearing under it. I swear this girl is trying to secure me my place in fuckin’ hell.

“So, what are you plannin’ to do today?” I ask her, quickly looking away and holding that sheet I got wrapped around me a little tighter.

“Oh, the usual, sit around and do nothing, wait for you to come home.” She rolls her eyes sarcastically and picks up our plates to put in the sink. Everything inside me wants to reach out for her waist. To drag her back to me, put her over my knee, and thrash that sexy, little ass for all the frustration she puts inside me, but instead, I take a breath and a sip of my coffee.

“You need some clothes.” I reach across the table to my cut and take out my wallet.

“I have clothes there on the line outside,” she points out.

“Well, you need a few more sets of clothes.” Seeing her walking around my hut in my shirt is making her look a lot like she’s mine and I can’t let those kinda thoughts enter my head. I hand her over a wad of cash and she stares at it real hard.

“I thought you said I wasn’t allowed to leave here.”

“I never said that, I said you weren’t allowed to hang at the club.”

“So, you're okay if I leave the compound?” Oddly, she looks unnerved by that idea.

“Sure, I’m not your keeper. But if you're worried, I can have someone go with you.”

“Someone, not you?” She looks disappointed.

“Not me.” I ignore the fact that I actually hate the idea of her leaving the compound because it’s not only unhealthy, it’s insane.

“Well, I can’t go anywhere until my clothes dry.” Her voice is much snippier as she dumps the plates in the sink and starts tidying the kitchen.

“That’s fine, I’ll arrange for Rocco to swing by and get you this afternoon. You can get some groceries while you're out.” Getting up from the table I make my way back over to the other side of the room where my clothes are, then turning my back on her so she can’t see that I’m still fuckin’ hard. I quickly slide on my jeans, buckle my belt, and pick up a tee.

“So you're heading out again?” She still sounds pissed as I pull it on and lift my cut up onto my shoulders.

“I’m president, I don’t get to sit around and enjoy the sun.”

“Maybe you should once in a while, it might cheer you up some.”

She slams the refrigerator door shut, and I stand and watch her as she scrubs the kitchen side.

“Hey,” I call over, and when she looks up at me with flustered red cheeks and an irritated look on her face, I smile.

“Thanks for breakfast.” A tiny smile twitches on her lips that I know she would have tried to hide, and nodding my head, I leave the hut and walk toward the club.

“Morning, Boss.” Dev nods at me as he helps himself to a cup of coffee from the machine at the bar.

“Early for anyone to be here ain’t it?” I look around the barroom and see Griller sitting in the corner, he’s got a bandage wrapped around his head covering his left eye socket.

“I was at the ER all night,” Dev explains, and I can see from the way he’s looking at me that he disagreed with my actions.

“Then you should rest up,” I tell him.

“No can do, we got eight cases of Burlusconi’s metal to pack up and load ready for our run.”

“I’ll help out when I’m back, in the meantime get Rocco to take Peyton into town, she needs to get some clothes and groceries for the hut.”

“Sure thing, Prez.” He nods.

“We all supposed to be runnin’ around after her, now?” Griller pipes up and when I turn to look at him, I see hate in the one eye he’s still got.

“I thought last night would have taught you a lesson on runnin’ ya mouth. If you don’t like the way I do shit, no one’s forcin’ you to stay. ” I step over to him.

“I’m just sayin’, Boss, we all got shit to do.” He surprises me when he lowers the tone of his voice.