Page 69 of Raze

“Yeah, ya are. One more time, pretty girl, then I’m gonna really let ya have it.” His leather hits me again, and the cold bite of it sends me spiraling. I grip his forearm and hold it firmly in place as I ride my orgasm against his belt, and rut against its leather. When I’m done, I rest my head back to catch my breath and watch as he lifts his belt to his mouth, sliding his tongue across it so he can taste me.

“You’re fuckin’ perfection, you know that?” He places the belt down on the mattress beside me and taking my hips in his hands draws me closer to where his thick, solid cock hangs out of his jeans.

I’ve barely come down, but already that desperate anticipation to have him inside me is building.

“This pussy was made for me,” he tells me, slowly pushing inside it, and watching my reaction intently as I take each swollen inch of him like it’s the first time.

“You’re so fuckin’ special, Pey. It ain’t ever been like this for me before.” He leans his body over mine again and kisses me, this time much softer. “I’m gonna take care of you for the rest of your life whether you love me or not.” His promise confuses me, but as he starts to move inside me, rotating his hips into mine while his tongue owns my mouth,I don’t dwell on it.

“Say it again,” he growls at me, as our bodies work in sequence, edging us both closer to that resolve only we can give each other. I know what he wants to hear, and I know how much it complicates things, but I can’t control how I feel.

“I love you,” I tell him again, gripping at his hair as one long deep thrust finishes us both.

“And I’ll never let you go,” he whispers in that rough, deep tone of his, before pressing his forehead to mine and taking a long, deep breath.

“You are welcome.” Peyton slaps a leaflet onto the bar beside me with a clever grin on her face.

“What the hell is this?” I pick it up and look it over.

“It’s the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to change this town's perception of the club,” she chimes

“Babe, this is a fundraisin’ event on Dakona Beach.” I laugh.

“Exactly, what better way to show this community that you're here to do good than to make yourself a part of it? I figure you park up on the sidewalk, let the kids have their photos taken with those bikes you all keep lookin’ so shiny, and get started on making that change.” I love the enthusiasm of this girl, but this is a terrible idea. Cliff has ensured that the people in Belmont Park fear us, we can’t just rock up at a fundraiser and start playing the good guys.

“It ain’t safe right now, not with all the shit we got goin’ on with the Reapers. We can’t risk ‘em bringin’ out their grievances around civilians.” I notice how disappointed she looks as she takes the iced tea Polly passes her over the bar.

“It was a great idea though.” I do my best to cheer her up. My girl’s been quiet the past few days, it’s obvious she has something on her mind. I really thought a trip to the salon with Alicia today would cheer her up but I guess it’s gonna take a lot more than that.

“You gonna tell me what’s troublin’ ya, darlin?” I ask her again because I hate the thought of her being upset.

“I told you, I’m fine.” She puts on a smile and leans over my knees to kiss me and when Wrath moves past us and sees the leaflet on the bar he stops and reaches between us to pick it up.

“I heard about this, they're tryin’ to raise money to get another lifeguard tower put out there,” he mentions.

“I was thinking you guys could show your faces, let the town see that you're not all bad,” Peyton explains, and I see the cogs starting to turn in my VP’s head as he nods like he’s impressed.

“You know that ain’t such a bad idea. I’m pretty sure Dev’s brother dates the girl whose dad’s behind this. Corey asked us for a donation the other week, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember, and the club was generous,” I remind him.

“Well, maybe we could speak to him and ask what we can do to help. Your girl’s right, Prez, there's gonna be a lot of people here, and there have been five drownin’s in the past two years on that beach. They need more eyes on the water.”

“You really do like to do ya homework, don’t ya?” I laugh when I figure nothin’s changed about how curious Wrath is. He was always intuitive as a teenager and I was shocked and disappointed when he dropped outta high school. But he’s proven over the years that you don’t need school to be smart.

“It’s too dangerous, us goin’ anywhere right now is. Supposin’ the Reapers choose there to retaliate to what happened the other day?” I nod at the leaflet then notice the way Peyton holds her breath and looks panicked.

“Come on, Raze, that ain’t gonna happen here, this thing is gonna be huge, it’s far too public, the police presence would put ‘em off.” He seems keen and when I take in what he’s saying I guess it makes sense. The Reapers would be stupid to start anything in such a public place.

“Fine, talk to Dev, ask him to get Corey’s girl to speak to her daddy.” I send him on his way and almost get knocked off my stool when Peyton throws her arms around my neck.

“This is going to be so good for the club, I can’t wait for everyone to see what I see.” She practically straddles me and when Trinity, and the whore I haven’t bothered to learn the name of, scowl at her she hits them back at them with a deadly, sweet grin.

“Look who’s back,” Ruckus interrupts, bursting through the door excitedly He’s followed inside by a long, dark-haired, native American guy who doesn’t share Ruckus’s enthusiasm. In fact he looks worn out and pissed off. His eyes are narrow and red-rimmed like they haven’t had much rest in a while and I know who he is before we even get introduced.

“Tawk, meet ya new prez. This is Raze. Raze, Tawk,” he introduces us, and I slide my hand from around my girl’s waist to hold it out for him.

“Good to meet ya.” I smile sadly. I’ve heard a lot about the guy that came here from the Colorado charter. Most of the brothers don’t know it but he came here to be Jimmer Carson’s eyes before the takedown. Ruckus tells me he’s been on the road ever since Cliff ran scared and took his eighteen-year-old daughter with him.