“Why don’t you go find a fucking dick to suck.” I turn around and face them all. “Some of us are trying to be nice and spread some positivity around this place.”
“Ahhhh, ya hear that, girls? The prez’s whore is trying to be nice.” Trinity mocks me with a pouty lip.
“We’ve been here longer than you’ve been wearing a training bra little Miss Thrift Store.” She looks down her nose at the clothes I’m wearing and sniggers. “I don’t know who you think you are but–”
“She’s your president's old lady,” Polly interrupts, stepping through the front door and slamming a bag of groceries on the table. “You’d do well to remember that or you might find yourself working the docks.
“Sonny, head out to the car and grab the rest of the bags,” she orders her son, who quickly rushes out the door.
“I gotta be honest with you Trin.” Polly shows a different side of herself when she steps right up into the girls face. “Jealousy looks almost as ugly on you as that lime-coloured bikini.” She looks down at her judgingly before making her way over to the bar and winking at me.
I get back to work and try to push to the back of my mind what they were saying about Sonny being Raze’s son. Surely it can’t be true, Raze would never have left a responsibility like that behind.
“Did I miss something?” Alicia turns up looking over to where all three of the girls are snarling in the corner.
“Just Polly putting them in their place,” I tell her quietly, taking a seat and wondering if maybe this is all too much. I only found out it was Raze’s birthday because I saw it on his driver's license a few days ago.
“Do you think he’ll like it?” I check with Alicia, seriously starting to doubt myself. Maybe the girls are right and I am pathetic.
“Who doesn’t love a birthday party? And I did not waste my entire morning making this carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for nothing.” She lifts off the lid of the cake tray she’s holding and reveals the perfectly decorated cake I asked for.
“Wow, that looks delicious.” My stomach rumbles just from looking at it.
“I hope your brother’s cool with you hanging out here, Corey just got called out by Dev pretty hard,” I inform her.
“Girl, I’m twenty-four years old. Saul doesn’t get to tell me what I do.” She places the lid back on the tray.
“I’m going to put this in the fridge, then I’ll come back and help you with this.” She looks at all the balloons I’ve got left to blow up before she heads off behind the bar.
Saint, Vike, and Ruckus all head through the door together, Saint’s telling them some story and making them laugh and they all turn silent when they see how the place is decorated. I don’t give the girls in the corner the satisfaction of looking at them. I know they’ll be finding humor in the guy’s reaction.
“Ahhh, boys, right on time.” Alicia steps out from the kitchen and smiles at them all. “We’re gonna celebrate your president’s birthday, and I’ll bet you’ve got plenty of puff in this big, strong chest.” She lays her palms out on Vike’s solid pecs and he looks down at her hands before he side glances Ruckus. It’s hilarious to see a man of his size look so scared and I have to hide my mouth under my hand so he doesn’t notice my amusement.
“You know decoratin’ for a party ain’t exactly our idea of fu—” The look Alicia throws at Ruckus immediately shuts him up.
“Where do you want us?” He shakes his head and sighs.
“Jeez, it’s busy here tonight.” I look around the parking lot once I’ve parked my bike.
“It is a Friday,” Wrath points out, looking distracted as he types something out on his phone. I’ve spent the whole day with him today going over the run and what’s required from us from Berlusconi, and I still haven’t told him about the fact I’m sure now that it was Jimmer who helped Eden fake her death. He seems to have simmered down a little over the past few days, he’s starting to think straight and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.
“So, what ya got planned for tonight?” he asks, knowing damn well today’s my birthday.
“I’m thinking a few beers in front of the new TV with Peyton and that fuckin bird.” I shake my head and he laughs.
“She still not let that thing go?”
“Nope, he’s like a pet fuckin’ dog. You know I woke up the other mornin’ to the thing crowin’ like a rooster.”
“Whatever keeps ‘em happy.” He pats me on the back before he opens the door to the club.
“SURPRISE!!!” I almost jump out my skin when I hear the loud cry that comes from inside and when I see the barroom packed full of people and the big Happy Birthday Raze banner I know exactly who’s responsible for all of it.
“How d’ya know?” I ask a very excited but slightly nervous-looking Peyton when she steps out in front of me.
“You left your driver's license on the table last week and I thought your birthday would be a good excuse for a party.” She shrugs, and as much as I hate things like this I grab her by the hip and pull her against me, kissing her in front of everyone here so they can all get a reminder of who she belongs to.
The whole place cheers and seeing the way Peyton blushes when she pulls away has me wanting to take her in my office and give her something to really be embarrassed about.