The front door opens and the guy who strolls through it acknowledges me by lifting his chin. He’s wearing jeans, and a white tee under his cut. His arms are also covered in tattoos, so is the hand he uses to push back his long, wavy hair
“Raze know you’re here?” he checks with exactly the same look on his face that the other guy had.
“Yes,” I answer, in a much sharper tone than I did before. I was in such a good mood walking up here, and now that I’ve let Billy into my head I’ve become irritable.
“Chill down, darlin’ just tryin’ to keep ya outta trouble.” He smirks as he heads behind the bar and helps himself to a coffee. He’s still smiling at me over the rim of it as he pulls it up to his lips.
“Where on earth did you come from?” he asks, resting back against the bar and studying me suspiciously. I feel unease stir in my stomach when I get the sense he might know something.
“San Diego, why?” I lie because I have to avoid anything that might give me away.
“Just intrigued, is all.”
“I’m Wrath, Raze’s Vice,” he introduces himself.
“I’m Pey–”
“We all know who you are.” He’s got a smirk on his face and I’m about to ask him what he means when the door to the side room opens. The guy who steps out has a bandage wrapped around his head that covers his eye. I can’t recall it being there when I last saw him. But I was too wasted to remember anything much about my encounter with Sinner. I do recall his brother and the guy with the nose ring having some kind of scuffle.
“Nice of you to show ya face, VP.” He sniggers and helps himself to a beer. “We not got anyone on service?” He looks around.
“It ain’t even 11 am.” Wrath laughs at him. “How’s the eye?”
“Docs wanted to keep me in but I discharged myself.” He knocks back his bottle.
“What happened?” Curiosity gets the better of me and I allow the words to tumble from my mouth.
“Why don’t you ask your boyf–” He instantly goes silent when the side door opens and Raze steps inside, bringing with him those flutters I get in my stomach whenever I’m around him.
“Wrath. Griller.” He nods his head at them both before making his way toward me.
“Polly isn’t here, she’s grocery shopping, I was just waiting here for her,” I explain myself far too quickly. From the corner of my eye, I notice Wrath and Griller head into the side room where something is clearly going on.
What happened to his eye?” I ask Raze, even more curious to get answers now. I get the impression that with him, anything is possible.
“He said somethin’ he shouldn't have to the wrong person.” His expression doesn’t change and his eyes remain focused on mine.
“And was that someone you?” I’m pretty sure I know the answer, but I need to hear it from him. Something happens when I’m around Raze that has me forgetting that this man is the president of a motorcycle club. In fact, I find it easy to forget my whole situation until moments like before hit me and give me a reality check.
“I’m sure Polly won’t be long.” He ignores my question and heads towards the door.
“What’s happening in there?” I blurt out before he can open it. I don’t like the idea of being kept in the dark about the things he does. I want to know everything about this man.
“That’s club business, sweetheart.” His rough gravelly voice courses through me, and the wink he gives sets fire to those butterflies in my stomach. How is it possible for him to make me so angry and desperate all at the same time?
So far the night seems to be going well, the fire is blazing and everyone’s mingling on the beach. Peyton is talking to Saul’s sister, and looking ridiculously beautiful in her thrift shop denim skirt. The sweater she’s wearing on top almost covers it completely. Every once in a while I notice her eyes flick over to where I’m standing, and when she catches me looking at her she smiles as if it amuses her. I can’t help smiling back and letting her become my only focus for just those few seconds we share. It’s undeniable that there's something there between us. Something that overrides our age difference, or the fact I’m bad and she’s good. The thoughts she puts in my head are so far-fetched that I have to humor myself for ‘em.
“Raze.” I turn around and see a tall kid, dressed in board shorts and an oversized vest. He’s got a baseball cap reversed on top of his head and although he’s got a huge grin on his face, it’s unmistakable that he’s Dev’s kid brother.
“Name’s Corey.” He holds out his hand for me to shake, and when I do he nearly dislocates my wrist with his enthusiasm.
“Is it true that you took Griller’s eye right out the socket, and that you once beat Keenan Keverlin in a bare-knuckle–”
“Corey.” Dev calls over, interrupting him and when Corey sees him storming toward us looking mad, he lowers his eyes to the sand and curses under his breath.
“Give me that.” Dev snatches the beer out his hand. “I told you, no drinking tonight you got midterms tomorrow,” he scolds him. “Now get over there.” He gestures his head over to the other side of the fire pit where Peyton and Saul’s sister are sitting. Corey shuffles off looking embarrassed and I notice the snarl he gives his brother over his shoulder.
“I’m sorry about that.” Dev shakes his head, as he watches him take his place with the girls underneath the balcony where Wrath and Ruck have done a good job of constructing a seating area outta some old wooden pallets.